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قديم 08-07-2011, 03:21 PM
برنامج جديد من شركه Ashampoo الرائده Ashampoo Video Styler 1.0.0

برنامج Ashampoo له العديد الوظائف ومن اهم هذه الوظائف يمكنك بسهولة تحويل أشرطة الفيديو الخاصة بك إلى أفلام مثيرة للإعجاب
من اضافه ملفات صوتيه وتحرير للفديو والتحكم فى الاضائه وغيرها من التاثيرات الرائعه والتحكم فى اخراج الفديو باكتر من صيغ مختلفه منها avi, .mpeg4, .wmv and .m2ts ومشركته الى اصدقائك على اليوتيوب وخلافه من المواقع المشابهه والبرنامج سهل الاستخدام وداعم للعربيه

Ashampoo Video Styler is the ideal program to jazz up your videos. With its user friendly program interface, many functions and filters you will easily turn your videos into impressive films. Apply for example one of the numerous filters or add background music to your video and make it an unforgettable memory with Ashampoo Video Styler.
The styled film can be exported into different formats. The clever thing is that with just a few clicks, you can easily present your video to your friends or the whole world on YouTube or create videos in the MyVideo or Facebook format. Make your videos something special with the powerful and user-oriented Ashampoo Video Styler and impress other with your brilliant results. The Ashampoo Video Styler has a clearly structured program interface with an integrated editor. In a tree view it’s fairly easy to access your videos and jazz them up according to your desires in the editor.With just one click you can mirror or rotate your video. Brightness, contrast, gamma values and saturation can be adjusted with the help of sliders. In order to give your video a special touch, you can add music or try one of the professional effects. Make an action-filled video even more ingenious by inverting the colors. Or give your videos the elegance and nostalgia of old films with the help of the “Old movie” or “Sepia” effect. The changes or rather effects are displayed in the editor instantly. If a result does not meet your expectations, you can easily undo the change and restore the original version with just one click.Various file formats and export options
With the Ashampoo Video Styler your videos can be exported into different output formats. Among the output formats are .avi, .mpeg4, .wmv and .m2ts. If you want to present your video to your friends, family or other Internet users you can directly upload your Video on YouTube or create a video in a format suitable for MyVideo or Facebook.
Intelligent encoding
After choosing an output format and your video, Ashampoo Video Styler will do the rest for you. The program carries out the complete encoding process automatically and even has a utilization control according to the processor load, for example, in order to allow comfortable working during the encoding process. Several videos that need to be processed are encoded either at the same time or one after the other depending on the processor and computer’s performance. The computer is shut down automatically after the encoding is finished.
Highlights: Easy handling (“one click”)
• Adjustment of brightness, contrast etc.
• Adding background music and effects
• Simultaneous encoding of several videos
• Upload videos to YouTube
• Creation of videos in Facebook or MyVideo format
• Touch screen support

صور البرنامج.


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