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تحميل برامج القسم يهتم بتحميل برامج الجهاز و بأحدث البرامج التي تخدم المستخدم العربي (حماية-ماسنجر-اصوات-ادارة ملفات - تصميم - والكثير من البرامج المهمه) , يمنع وضع كراكات, سيريل نمبر, مولد ارقام, كيجن.

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قديم 08-07-2011, 06:36 PM
الاحترافى للتصميم والتأثير على الصور Pixarra TwistedBrush Pro Studio v18.08-BRD

الاحترافى للتصميم والتأثير على الصور Pixarra TwistedBrush Pro Studio v18.08-BRD

برنامج تصميم رائع واحترافي يوفر لك العديد من الادوات الاحترافية التى تمكنك
من التعديل على الصور واضافه العديد من التأثيرات الرائعه والعديد سوف تكتشفه

Pixarra TwistedBrush - a program for artists. She has a lot of variety of drawing tools, from paints to crayons and pencils. This program is deeply affects literally from the first run. Interface Twisted-Brush little resemblance to other editors, though, and provides all the necessary features: work with the clipboard, zuming and, of course, painting. And the drawing tool, only one - the brush, but many (more than 3000 pieces!) And quality presets for drawing, as well as a variety of shapes and sizes of adjustability and colors make a person, not a particularly gifted artistic talent, just a couple of minutes to portray it, that - perhaps more accurately and qualitatively, of course - a professional who works in another editor, draw would probably have more than one hour.

You have the opportunity to mix oil paints, used dispensers and sketch. These funds can be drawn almost anything. Also, images can add effects: their number is not as impressive - "only" a few dozen, which is also quite a lot, although this part of TwistedBrush, certainly inferior to Photoshop and Ulead PhotoImpact. The difference consists in the fact that the main purpose of the latter two programs - image processing, whereas in TwistedBrush emphasis on simple, even for an absolute beginnera but powerful in its capability to develop them. Several atypical paging interface, but it very quickly gets used. The system of drawing is reduced to the manipulation of a variety of brushes, as allowing to depict the specific drawing tools: pencil, painter, etc., and to create certain effects, such as: smoke, fire, wind, fog, water, and even create some three-dimensional objects with shadows and futuristic fractals.

Although much smaller than, for example, in Photoshop, the number of effects, TwistedBrush, too, something can. For example, the available effects, such as "smoke", "light", "wind", "fog", "water" and you can mix the oil paint, spray graffiti, sketch, and even take advantage of this opportunity, as the creation of three-dimensional objects with shadows or Fractal futiristicheskogo species. Usability does not interfere with the current system Undo / Redo (up to 50 levels), ****** support, more than 50 filters, ZOOM, multiple textures, etc. Supports most popular image formats, including JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, TGA, PCX, PSD, BMP, PCD, WMF and EMF.


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