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قديم 08-19-2011, 04:01 PM
العملاق الذي أثبت وجوده Norton Internet Security 2011 القوة الساطعة في سماء المكافحات

أقدم لأخوتي برنامج حماية بعتبر من الأحسن في مجاله انه
Norton Internet Security 2011

التقديم الأجنبي

The bottom line: Norton Internet Security 2011 maintains its recent strong performance record and introduces some useful new features in the latest version, making it one of the top Internet security suites available.


Editors' note: Portions of this review are based on CNET's review for Norton Internet Security 2010.

Over the past few years, Symantec has completed a course reversal for its Norton consumer Internet security suites. The massive package of security tools works better than it ever has before, with an impressive set of features, some useful new tools including the free Power Eraser, and third-party security efficacy benchmarks that are nothing short of remarkable. Meanwhile, CNET Labs' performance benchmarks indicate that though Norton doesn't leave the smallest footprint on your system, users should see a minimal impact overall.

Read more: Norton Internet Security 2011 - Free software downloads and software reviews - CNET Download.com http://download.cnet.com/Norton-Inte...#ixzz1VTA5WfK0


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