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قديم 08-21-2011, 03:43 PM
لا خوف من الهاكرز بعد الآن مع Ashampoo FireWall Free 1.2 أضفه الى كتيبة حمايتك

أقدم لك أخي هذه الأداة التي تعتبر من أحسن الجدران النارية التي يمكنك الاعتماد عليها خاصة عندما يسهو مكافح الفيروسات الخاصة بك فهذه الاداة هي كما يمكن وصف بالحماية الاستباقية ضد ملفات الهاكرز و تروجوناتهم اذا كنت تعتمد على الأنتي فايرس فقط فأنت لست بمأمن من الهاكرز فهذا الجدار الناري يشكل اخيارا صحيحا لتعزيز أمان مافاتك الشخصية و العائلية

التقديم الأجنبي

Ashampoo FireWall Free is an easy-to-use program that lets users to their computers from unwanted connections to the Internet. Though it may not be the most robust firewall available, it's a great choice for novice users who know they want protection but aren't sure how a firewall should be configured.

The program's interface is sleek and intuitive, with its functions neatly organized in tabs. Users don't have to do much to configure the program initially; it will automatically notify users when an application attempts to connect to the Internet and ask whether users want to allow this action. Users can also go into the program and manually add rules for various programs. All the basic functions were intuitive and worked well, and the built-in Help file, while a little awkward in style, provides a good overview of the program's features and how to use them. In addition to allowing users to define connection rules for applications, the program lets users view connection statistics and logs of connection activity. The program contains an Internet Cleaner feature that allows users to erase evidence of their Internet activity, although we're not sure this is anything a user couldn't do from within their browser. Overall, we found the program to be a simple way for users to add a basic level of protection to their computers.

This freeware installs without issues but does leave files behind upon removal. We recommend this program to novice and intermediate users who want the protection of a firewall without a lot of hassle.


للتحميل من الموقع اضغط أسفل الشاشة على get file ثم سيأتيك مربع ادخل الحروف (human test) ثم استمتع بالنحميل


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