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قديم 09-13-2011, 02:05 AM
احفظ نسخة من ملفات الموجودة في الهارد ديسك لا تضيع الفرصة FBackup 4.6.255

لفهم هذا البرنامج المهم لكلجهاز اترككم اخوتيمع الشرح النجليزي المدقق في أمان الله

FBackup4.6 has a simple interface and guides you through the process of defining a backup job using a friendly wizard that asks you:

Where do you want to store the backup (the destination).
What do you want to backup (the sources).
How do you want to run the backup (using full backup that zips the files, or mirror backup that doesn't zip them).
When do you want to run the backup (you can schedule it to run automatically or run it manually).


Once a backup job is defined, you can run it manually by pressing the Backup button (or F6), or if you add a scheduler it will run automatically. FBackup can easily back up sources from local drives (including USB connected drives) to destinations such as USB/Firewire connected devices or mapped network locations. It creates either standard zip files (when using "full backup"), or exact copies of the original sources without any compression (using "mirror backup"). The best thing about this freeware backup software is that it protects your data for free.
Main Features

Save timeAutomatic backups.
You define a backup job, set it to run automatically, and forget about it. FBackup will automatically run the backup at the scheduled date, so you have the benefits not only of having your data protected, but you'll also save precious time.

Save spaceBackup with standard zip compression.
When using "full backup", the sources will be archived using standard zip compression. FBackup uses ZIP64 compression, which means that it can create zip files over 2GB in size. Also, you can password protect your backup zip files.

Exact copiesExact copies of files.
If you don't want to have the files stored in one zip file, FBackup can make exact copies of the backup sources using "mirror backup". Since FBackup will also back up empty folders, you can use this backup type to create in the destination a "mirror" copy of the original files. So it's not only a file backup software.

Run actionsRun actions before/after backup.
For each backup job, you can define an action to execute before or after the backup. For example, you can select "Clear backup" before the backup runs, so that all the previous backed up files will be cleared before loading the new ones. As an after-backup action, you can set it to stand by, log off, hibernate or even shut down the computer once the backup has successfully finished.

Easy to useEasy to use.
The two main functions of a backup program are the backup and restore operations. FBackup makes them easy for you by offering friendly wizards. You start a new backup wizard, select "what," "where," "how," and "when" to backup, and the backup is ready to run. If you have to restore files, you'll open a restore wizard and it will ask you "where" you want the files to be restored.

Automatic updatesAutomatic updates.
FBackup automatically checks for updates weekly, so you'll know when a new version is released. The option to check for updates can be disabled, but we recommend that it is enabled so that FBackup will be up-to-date.

Multiple destinationsMultiple backup destinations. By default, your backups will be stored on the local Windows partition. To be sure you have a secure backup, we highly recommend you to store the backups on other destinations supported by FBackup (such as an external USB/Firewire drive, or on a mapped network drive). This way, if your computer suffers a hardware failure, you'll have your data safe on an external location.

Backup pluginsBackup plugins.
You can load plugins for backing up or restoring specific program settings or other custom data (like game saves, email data, etc.). Once loaded in FBackup, these plugins will list the sources needed to be backed up for that particular program in "Predefined Backups." You can see a list of all the available backup plugins here: Free Backup Plugins.

Open file backupBackup open files.
If a file is in use by another program at the time of the backup, FBackup will still be able to back up that file, because it uses the Volume Shadow Service that Windows provides. So, as long as you're using Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 2003 Server, Windows 2008 Server or Windows 7, FBackup will back up those open files. As an example, you will be able to back up your Outlook emails and settings without closing the program first.

You can choose a language for the user interface from the languages currently supported. If you want to help us translate the website or its interface into another language


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