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قديم 09-20-2011, 01:51 PM
مشغل الفيديو العملاق Gom Player Final معشوق الملايين

Gom Player Final

المشغل العملاق
Gom Player Final
عملاق مشغلات الفيديو
مشغل فيديو رائع يقوم بتشغيل العديد من ملفات الفيديو الموجوده
على جهازك سوء فيديو عادي او فيديو مضغوط
وداعم ايضاً لملفات كوداك codec وغيرها
داعم لجميع انظمة التشغيل .

GOM is a FREE media Player with popular audio & video codecs built-in. No need to install codecs separately! Try one of your broken AVI files or one of the files that is being downloaded with GOM. GOM supports all kinds of features for highly advanced users who desire to watch video clips at the best quality. Try one of your broken AVI files with GOM that other media players couldn't play. You will discover.. the Magic.
GOM Player supports most of the condecs (AVI, DAT, MPEG, DivX, and plus more) by its own embedded codec system that you won't have to look for appropriate codecs everytime when you can't play a certain video format. For those codecs that require license that cannot be distributed, GOM will automatically lead you to a open-source codec web-site. Watch video files while you are downloading them! GOM has a registered patent For playing broken AVI format or AVI video files that are being Downloded.
So try one of your broken AVI files or The one that you are downloading right now. You'll find it amazing!
GOM supports a lot of advanced features for advanced users. You can customize the Player by creating your own skin, setting toggle keys, VMR modes, detailed resolution among others. It also provides features such as an overlay mixer, real-time index rebuilding for AVI files, unicode support, key frame based RW/FF and many more!

System Requirements

  • Microsoft Windows 98SE, Me, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista or Windows 7
  • Intel-compatible CPU P3 or greater Minimum amount of RAM recommended by the operating system in use 20MB Hard Drive Space.
  • Some videos may require the newest version of DirectX or Windows Media Player.
  • Recommended settings may change according to different types of video files.
  • Modify 'Deadlock problem' occasionally happened when you shut down the player.
  • Improve Vorbis audio decoder performance.


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