عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي

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الهواتف النقالة قسم يهتم بجميع الاجهزة النقالة الحديثة بطرح البرامج الداعمة لها وطرح الجديد من اخبارها وصورها الخاصة

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قديم 09-23-2011, 10:58 AM
برنامج لقفل وحماية الموبايل

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتهالحمد الله حمدا كثير طيبا مباركا فيه ملئ السموات والأرض وبعد :- برنامج Anti Thief Full Version لقفل وحماية الجوال او الجهاز في حال سرقته او فقدانه صورة البرنامج:_ الوصف باللغه الانجليزيه:- Anti-Thief detects that your mobile is lost or stolen even if you didn't send a message to it. Just keep Anti-Thief status on and if you want to turn your phone off just turn Anti-Thief off first with your Turnoff code. If the phone is turned off in a wrong way (not turning Anti-Thief off first), next time the phone is powered on Anti-Thief will start automatically and will attack the thief with a permanent text on the screen saying that this mobile is lost or stolen with any other text you provide (recommended to be information to contact you) and a very loud long siren. The program will also send messages to a list of recipients you created for Anti-Thief. You can also send a message to Anti-Thief containing predefined words (activation text) to put it in attack state. Even if Anti-Thief status is off and a message arrived containing activation text, Anti-Thief will activate itself and attack the thief التحميل من هنا
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