تحميل برامج القسم يهتم بتحميل برامج الجهاز و بأحدث البرامج التي تخدم المستخدم العربي (حماية-ماسنجر-اصوات-ادارة ملفات - تصميم - والكثير من البرامج المهمه) , يمنع وضع كراكات, سيريل نمبر, مولد ارقام, كيجن. |
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حصريا نسخة جديده وروعه من صاروخ التصفح الجديده Opera 12.00 Build 1054 Opera 12.00 Build 1054 “Wahoo” Pre-Alpha نسخة جديده من فوريرة التصفح القوى اوبيرا بمميزات جديده وبسرعه فائقة كود: Changes in Opera Web Browser 12.00 Build 1054 Pre-Alpha: Core * CORE-39767 (CSS 2.1 compliant display:list-item implementation) * CORE-39302 (The cache can grow past its limit) * CORE-32820 (SVG optimizations) * CORE-12447 (overflow: hidden ignored for table-layout: fixed) * CORE-17961 (Missing URL in redirection message) * CORE-23382 (NFD é rendered incorrectly, and worse in 2.4 than 2.2) * CORE-25431 (offsetLeft & offsetTop values are 0,0 for blank anchor tags) * CORE-25611 (computedStyle returns an empty string for text-shadow property) * CORE-25902 (border-radius doesn't clip replaced content) * CORE-26985 (Cursor doesn't change to pointer when hovering links until the page has completely loaded) * CORE-27522 (border-radius with different border widths) * CORE-28875 (border on inline-table disappears if it has overflow: hidden) * CORE-28949 (:target selector applies even after hash removed) * CORE-30401 (Initialization of SVG DOM objects different from what the SVG 1.1 second edition mandates) * CORE-31539 (overflow: hidden ignored on table if nested descendant width exceeds first cell descendant width) * CORE-34305 (svgz files saved as empty) * CORE-35190 (CSS: border-radius ignored on fieldsets that have a legend) * CORE-35547 (Content of http://www.good.is not displayed, @font-face with floating point number and comma in local()) * CORE-36266 (Can't post link in orkut message) * CORE-36816 (DOM updates during composition causes doubled characters and oddities): unable to use ime on qzone.qq.com * CORE-37191 (computedStyle returns an empty string for box-shadow property) * CORE-37325 (rx, ry calculations for rect are incorrect according to svg spec) * CORE-37340 (Improve GetObjectProperties with regards to complicated properties) * CORE-37422 (Recognizing meeting invites .ics) * CORE-37452 (When javascript moves focus from input field, it gets empty (elm.focus() will abort ongoing IME)) * CORE-38132 (0 returned for XHR.status when readyState == 2 (HEADERS_RECEIVED)) * CORE-38210 (Invalid Link header causes Internal communication error) * CORE-38229 (opera:cache is not well laid out) * CORE-38771 (Unnecessary bottleneck in certain cases with "overflow: hidden" and CSS transforms) * CORE-39072 (Orkut profile picture change still not working) * CORE-39098 (Make Math.log() faster) * CORE-39112 (Border and overflow affects offset of events) * CORE-39380 (Opera doesn't fire events for empty scripts) * CORE-39391 (IME position not updated immidiately when text input is changed on getting focus) * CORE-39456 (Overflow container with anchor inside table introduces unwanted scrollbars) * CORE-39485 (Back button does not load image in reddit pages) * CORE-39490 (User initiated click event not handled on file input) * CORE-39516 (Drag-to-pan in image viewer only for left mouse button with no modifier keys) * CORE-39525 (Set window.event when events occur even if it's rewritten by page scripts): Attachment opening fails in new Hotmail * CORE-39547 (DATA_CLONE_ERR uses wrong code (24 instead of 25)) * CORE-39559 (No data stream sent to invisible windowless plugins): Lytro picture page with focus demos doesn't work * CORE-39653 (Support event.isTrusted) * CORE-39654 (Native validation messages pops up everywhere (on top of other tabs)) * CORE-39660 (CSS attribute selections and removeAttribute() regressed - removeAttribute() no longer triggers reevaluation of selectors?) * CORE-39722 (JSON.stringify number with single digit string produced not equal to . string literal) * CORE-39755 (Radio button group with attribute "form" doesn't work properly) * CORE-39803 (Crash with VOIPlay plugin) * CORE-39852 (Minimum font size apppplied on computed style in svg while not rendered) * CORE-39862 (Canvas 2D sometimes draws shadows even when it shouldn't) * CORE-39871 (Remove HTMLHeadElement.profile): http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/obsolete.html#dom-head-profile * CORE-39902 (Array.prototype.slice() doesn't propagate exceptions) * CORE-39912 (Extra suspend event fired for some preload=metadata tests that use ogg videos) * CORE-39917 (HTMLEmbedElement src and HTMLFormElement action IDL attributes reflected as strings, not URLs (i.e. is not resolved)) * CORE-39923 (Updated Google Maps: My Places pop-up can't be closed preventing use of Google Map Directions (something with EcmaScript eval)) * CORE-40033 (Empty string values not returned from web storage after being set) * CORE-40040 (Response with content-encoding:gzip decompressed automatically without changing the .gz file extension) * CORE-40047 (inserting options in SELECT fails with DOMNodeInserted listener active) * CORE-40073 (Missing horizontal scrollbar when a multicol container contains more columns than specified) * CORE-40126 (Clicking on Google+ tab (top left corner) results in page that is never finished loading (history.replaceState)) * CORE-40146 (Column-spanned element in RTL multicol is incorrectly positioned) * CORE-40155 (The title of the extension that appears in the debugging context dropdown should be the extension name from config.xml) * CORE-40189 (image.width/naturalWidth and image.height/naturalHeight returns 0 after switching to fullscreen if the image is only in DOM) * CORE-40210 (Anchors added to the URL changed by pushState reloads page) * CORE-40229 (List items are added outside of contenteditable element) * CORE-40230 (List is deleted when pressing backspace in a contenteditable element within a list item.) * CORE-40247 (Weird results of HTML select options) * CORE-40281 (Images sometimes displayed via onload events) * CORE-7544 (Nested inline relatively positioned elements with non-auto z-index are not rendered) * CORE-7597 (XMLHttpRequest can not POST data that consists of plain literal numbers only.) * CORE-9459 (Page reloaded when refreshed to fragment URI) * CORE-39763 (Crash when reloading page with Dragonfly open) * Updates to some translations * Security improvements from 11.51 * Further crash and memory leak fixes Desktop * DSK-232055 (Unable to re-download file to same download location if an entry for the previous download still exists in transfers manager) * DSK-343630 (Crash when exiting Opera after changing "Preferred languages for webpages") * DSK-344289 (Using mouse wheel over windowed plugin can also cause the page to scroll) Speed Dial * DSK-329998 (Thumbnails are omitted while cycling Speed Dials with the Tab key) * DSK-330661 (Add an animation when resizing window to change number of columns) * DSK-337427 (Add an animation when undoing Speed Dial move/swap) * DSK-344603 (Crash when dragging a Speed Dial while Edit menu is opened) * DSK-344606 (Crash when deleting a Speed Dial set to Reload Every after dragging it from the original position) * DSK-344912 (Hover effect remains on unhovered Speed Dials) Windows * DSK-344870 (Can't go fullscreen by double clicking the VLC plugin) DOWNLAD FILEMAC |
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