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قديم 09-28-2011, 01:14 PM
تحميل برنامج مايكروسوفت اوفيس 2010-download Microsoft Office 2010

Microsoft Office 2010 ProPlus with SP1 VL Edition

Microsoft Office 2010
Pro Plus gives you powerful new tools to express your ideas, solve problems, and connect with people. Application is a complete suite of productivity tools and software that includes Word, Access, PowerPoint, Publisher, Outlook, InfoPath, Excel, SharePoint Workspace, OneNote, and Communicator. Office 2010 offers flexible and powerful new ways to deliver your best work - at the office, at home, or at school. Work efficiently with others by sharing, editing, and reviewing files at the same time - even across geographies and time zones. With Office 2010, you’re in control, getting things done and producing amazing results however and wherever you work best.
Service Pack 1 (SP1) for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2460049) contains new updates which improve security, performance, and stability. Additionally, the SP is a roll-up of all previously released updates. SP1 consists of cumulative and public updates to date for the various point products that are part of Office 2010 and SharePoint 2010.

Some fixes in Office 2010 Pro Plus SP1:
* Outlook fixes an issue where “Snooze Time” would not reset between appointments.
* The default behavior for PowerPoint “Use Presenter View” option changed to display the slide show on the secondary monitor.
* Integrated community content in the Access Application Part Gallery.
* Better alignment between Project Server and SharePoint Server browser support.
* Improved backup / restore functionality for SharePoint Server
* The Word Web Application extends printing support to “Edit Mode.”
* Project Professional now synchronizes scheduled tasks with SharePoint task lists.
* Internet Explorer 9 “Native” support for Office Web Applications and SharePoint
* Office Web Applications Support for Chrome
* Inserting Charts into Excel Workbooks using Excel Web Application
* Support for searching PPSX files in Search Server
* Visio Fixes scaling issues and arrowhead rendering errors with SVG export
* Proofing Tools improve spelling suggestions in Canadian English, French, Swedish and European Portuguese.
* Outlook Web Application Attachment Preview (with Exchange Online only)
* Office client suites using “Add Remove Programs” Control Panel, building on our work from Office 2007 SP2

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Size : 1.3 GB

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وارجو من الله ان لا يلهيكم شي عن ذكر الله واقام الصلاة

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