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قديم 10-17-2011, 05:09 PM
حصريا وقبل الكل Warhammer 40K Space Marine ISO+BlackBox على اكثر من سيرفر

حصريا قبل اي مخلوق اقدم لكم احدث العابالآكشن واقواها
Warhammer 40K Space Marine ISO+BlackBox
فقط وحصريا على الـGGB ارض الحصريات

Warhammer.40K.Space.Marine-DaRkSiDe | 7.6 Gb| 2011 | Publisher: THQ | Developer: Relic Entertainment | Platform: PC | Language: English | Genre: Third-person action RPG

A millions-strong Ork horde has invaded an Imperial Forge World, one of the
planet-sized factories where the war machines for humanity's never ending battle
for survival are created. Losing this planet is not an option, but a darker and
far more evil threat is lurking large in the shadows of this world.

Install notes:

1. Mount the DVD.
2. Install the game.
3. Copy the crack from the Crack folder to your installdir. (M goi 3DM!)
4. Kill them all!

For BlackBox :

1. Unrar
2. Mount the DVD.
3. Run Setup.exe
4. Enjoy !

OS: Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP1, Windows 7
Processor: 2.0Ghz Dual core CPU (any Core 2 Duo or AMD X2 or better)
RAM: 1GB XP, 2GB Vista & Windows 7
Hard Drive: 20 GB space free (10 GB free after install)
Video Card: 256MB Video Card using Shader Model 3 & DirectX 9.0 or better (Performance equivalent to an AMD Radeon 3850 or NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT)

OS: Windows 7 Processor - Any Quad-core AMD or Intel Processor
RAM: 1GB XP, 2GB Vista & Windows 7
Hard Drive: 20 GB space free (10 GB free after install)
Video Card: 512MB Video Card using Shader Model 3 & DirectX 9.0 or better (Performance equivalent to an AMD Radeon 5750 or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260)

اولا: تحميل النسخة الـISO
بحجم 7.6 Gb

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