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تحميل برامج القسم يهتم بتحميل برامج الجهاز و بأحدث البرامج التي تخدم المستخدم العربي (حماية-ماسنجر-اصوات-ادارة ملفات - تصميم - والكثير من البرامج المهمه) , يمنع وضع كراكات, سيريل نمبر, مولد ارقام, كيجن.

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قديم 10-19-2011, 04:24 PM
CyberLink Power 2012


CyberLink Power2Go Deluxe

عبارة عن برنامج لحرق الملفات على أقراص Blu-ray و HD DVD ويمكنك أيضاً أن تنسخ عليه بيانات تصل أكثر من 25 جيجا في طبقة واحدة ،
برنامج Power2Go يقوم ايضا بالنسخ على أقراص Blu-ray ويعتبر هذا البرنامج أول برنامج في مجاله يدعم أقراص Blu-ray ويدعم البرنامج أيضاً حرق بيانات وجميع انواع الملتيمديا
ويدعم أيضاً السحب والأسقاط والذي سوف يسهل عليك كثيراً في موضوع سحب الملفات المراد نسخها الى البرنامج drag-and-dropومن أهم مميزات البرنامج بأنه: يدعم النسخة على أقراصdisc, on CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray Discs and HD DVDs.
نسخ ملفات الفيديو والصور يمكنك أنشاء الأفلامك ومعرض للصور وتشغيلها على أقراص DVD

Next Generation Burning with Blu-ray Disc & HD DVD! With the full functionality to back up your files, create audio CDs and burn CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray Discs(BD), CyberLink Power2Go provides you with the best way to maximize your disc burning capabilities. Using CyberLink Power2Go's easy to use drag and drop feature, you can create a data backup, music or movie disc easily and quickly. CyberLink Power2Go also supports the most complete range of disc formats on the market today. CyberLink Power2Go also comes with an abundance of handy disc utilities to help you with the disc creation process.
Industrial grade encryption, more creativity and control of your media files with a robust engine that take care of all your burning needs. Designed for both home and enterprise users, Power2Go 7 provides the security that enterprises crave and the ease of use that home users want. Power2Go 7 also includes a set of media tool that lets you share your media files in style.

Power2Go 7 also supports the latest Blu-ray format - BDXL. With BDXL, you can burn up to 128GB (4 layers) on a single Blu-ray disc.

The All-Media Disc Burning Software:
● Burn files & copy discs to BDXL, Blu-ray, DVDs & CDs
● Encrypt (256-bit) and safeguard files on discs
● Make interactive photo gallery discs
● Create pro-like video DVDs, burn audio CDs, & rip MP3s
● Fast and easy burning by Drag 'n' Drop to desktop gadget

Key features:
● Burn Any Media to Any Disc: CD, DVD+/-, Blu-ray disc or even the latest 128GB BDXL, Power2Go 7 has got you covered. With support for all disc formats, you can simply insert your disc, select your files and let Power2Go handle the rest.
● Safeguard Your Data: Losing your Disc is a nightmare especially when it contains sensitive data. Encrypt your disc with Power2Go's 256-bit industrial strength encryption and your data will be safe from unauthorized access.
● Drag and Drop Burning: Desktop Gadget allows you to burn your files right from your desktop. For more control, simply open Power2Go and drag and drop the files like you would in Windows Explorer.
● Copy your Disc the Smart way: Finding it difficult and frustrating to copy your entire disc on Windows? Power2Go lets you duplicate your CDs, unprotected DVDs and Blu-ray Discs easily. Or you can simply copy your disc as a disc image for future use. Enjoy the easiest Data burning experience.
● Disc Image Viewer: No more second-guessing what is in that .ISO image file. Power2Go comes with a disc image viewer so you can access and extract files and folders directly from an .ISO image onto your hard drive without the need to burn to a disc.
● Rip, Edit and Burn your Audio: Want to copy a song from your favorite CD or extract a soundtrack from your video? Let Power2Go rip and extract your audio files for you. Includes WaveEditor so you can trim or enhance your tunes before distributing them.

Turn your Photos and Videos into a Masterpiece
● Interactive HD Photo Gallery: Power2Go's new Photo Gallery Creator lets you showcase your photos as an interactive slideshow in their original HD image quality. With support for text and Internet link, it is perfect for company profiles and catalogues.
● Pro-like Video Disc Authoring: Give your video disc a new look with a stylish, professional looking DVD menu. Customizable with your own videos, pictures and text, create a menu that best suits your needs while you are burning your DVDs.
● Unlimited FREE Menu Templates: Wish to have a new menu for every disc you created? Now you can. DirectorZone offers free downloading of an unlimited number of DVD menu templates designed by DirectorZone members

Operating systems

متوافق مع جميع اصدرات الويندوز ال 32 بت وال 64 بت

السريالات وكيجن التفعيل مرفقة مع البرنامج

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صوربنات حلوين 2012 , توبيكات بنات للمسن 2012 , اجدد التوبيكات 2012 هبه العمر أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 2 04-09-2013 06:29 PM

الساعة الآن 09:24 PM.

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