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قديم 10-24-2011, 08:14 PM
تحميل احدث نسخه اكس بى Micro XP Pro 0.97 لشهر اكتوبر تدعم اللغه العربيه بحجم 180ميجا

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Micro XP Pro 0.97


تحميل نسخه اكس بى البراقه
Micro XP Pro 0.97 بتحديثات شهر اكتوبر وهذه النسخه تختلف عن باقى النسخ حيث انها نسخه ميكرو وهى نسخه صغيره الحجم ولكن نسخه كامله وهذه النسخه تدعم اللغه العربيه وهى تعتبر من اخف نسخ الاكس بى وبها مميزات اخرى كثيره ستعرفها عن تحميلك للنسخه

Size : 180 MB

Purpose: To make the retail version of XP Pro better.
-Faster install and speed
-Less memory and cpu usage
-Increased security via tweaks and updates
-Increased compatibility via updates
-Faster deployment; getting your system ready shouldn't take eons.
-Passes WGA
-No need to activate
-Pre-shipped with handy applications, tools and a few drivers for fast deployment
-Micro XP Pro 0.97 will not produce any more errors then the retail copy*
-Must be quality enough to fix a friend's computer and zero head aches

Changes since 0.95

-Bug fixes including bsods, software that refused to install, installation failures, errors during installation, etc...
Basically, version 0.97 is what 0.96 should have been.
-Security and Speed is maxed out; freezing build, future builds for now to only include MS security updates + bug fixes.
-Finished cleaning code
-Implemented stable* Sata Drivers of Intel and AMD type leading to greater laptop and desktop compatibility.
ICH9 and ICH10 currently unsupported. There is no raid support, or nvidia chipset support.
Also works in VirtualBox under Vista Compatibility mode.
-Implented many USB 3.0 Drivers
-Removed less warranted apps
-Re-organised start menu

Supported Languages

All included languages and language regions are supported except: Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew, Korean, Thai.
Those languages take too much space.
If your concern is international websites in one of said language, then befriend Google Chrome.

Burn the iso on any media with imgburn, poweriso etc…with verify option checked.
Configure your bios to start from optical drive, place disk in this drive.
Install is automatic.

I don't want to install XP on C Drive?

You have three options.
Make sure only one storage unit is connected to computer prior to loading XP Setup; optical drive doesn't count.
1. If you see another partition, select that partition.
2. If there are no partitions, then you must create two partitions.
By default when you go to make a partition, XP gives the maximum size.
You need to reduce this size so that you can make a second partition.
Now create you second partition, and select it to install XP onto it.
3. If there is exactly one partition, it is probably taking the whole hard drive, and you need to delete then create two partitions as discussed.

Password for Administrator is: DRIVERS

Install time..........:......~11 min on Fast System
Default Security:..........Unrivaled
(Tweaks + Updates)
Iso Size:.....................207,599,616 bytes
Ram Usage: .......... ....50 MB
Automatic: .................Setup & speed enhancements


الويندوز مقسم الى جزئين


Part 1 : http://elbramg.com/soft/micro/1

part 2 : http://elbramg.com/soft/micro/2

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اللغه العربيه للاطفال موقع راءع لتعليم اللغه العربيه للاطفال ЯǒǑǒйĝ3ħ معهد تعلم لغات العالم 2 01-16-2011 01:35 PM

الساعة الآن 05:45 PM.

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