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قديم 10-28-2011, 12:20 PM
عملاق الحماية Avast Antivirus 6.0.1203 لا تهديدات بعد الآن

أقدم لأخوتي برنامج حماية بعتبر من الأحسن في رأي أنا و كثير من اخواني انه AVAST

التقديم الأجنبي

The bottom line: After the last versions radical new interface that brought this security stalwart into a visual comparison with its competitors, Avast looks to the future with version 6s edgy improvements.

Avast made great strides in its previous update. Version 5 set the se for the modern, massively popular, and free security suite with a new interface that ditched a quirky, late-90s jukebox style for a more polished look. Easier to navigate, it also became easier to add new features.

Make no mistake; Avast 6 adds features both big and small. Some that had previously only been available to paid upgrade users are now free for all versions, and newer features have been seamlessly added to the interface experience. If youre familiar with Avast 5, upgrading to Avast 6 wont be that big of a leap.

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