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قديم 10-30-2011, 05:06 AM
حصريا Okdo All to PowerPoint Converter Professional v4.3

أهلا و سهلا بكافّة الإخوة الأعضاء و الزوّآر

في قسم برامج الكمبيوتر

ندعوكم لمتابعة هذاا الموضوع الجديد إن شاء الله تعـالى ..

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Okdo All to PowerPoint Converter Professional v4.3

البرنامج العملاق من شركة Okdo يقوم يتحويل صيغ ال PowerPoint إلى أي صيغة مرفق بالكراك

Okdo All to PowerPoint Converter Professional is a professional and easy PowerPoint converter. Own the most powerful conversion function. you can batch convert any format file to ppt/pptx/pptm with ease. The program can convert with high output quality and very fast speed. It supports various formats as doc, docx, docm, xls, xlsx, xlsm, ppt, pptx, pptm, txt, rtf, pdf, htm, html, url, any type image as jpg, jpeg, bmp, wmf, emf, gif, tiff, png, j2k, jp2, pcx etc.

Advanced Features
It is a standalone program which does not need Adobe Acrobat software support.
Support the encrypted PDF conversion.
Simultaneously convert massive different format files to one certatin format once with ease.
Batch Convert pdf, doc, docx, docm, xls, xlsx, xlsm, rtf, ppt, pptx, pptm, txt, htm, jpeg, jpg, bmp, gif, tif, png, emf, wmf, jp2, j2k, pcx etc to ppt, pptx, pptm.
Use default mode to convert PDF to powerpoint; Use AdobeReader mode to convert PDF to powerpoint; Extract the character of PDF to convert.
Convert each page content of Word/Rtf to single file.
Convert multi-page Word/Rtf to multi-page ppt/pptx/pptm.
Set the image wa*****rk.
Convert Word/Rtf by custom way; Convert Word/Rtf by image way; Extract the character of Word/Rtf to convert.
Support merge each sheet of one Excel file to one ppt/pptx/pptm.
Support merge multi-URL snapshot images to one PowerPoint file.
Show TXT file content in multiple lantern slides.
Custom displayed character number of each slide when convert TXT to multi-page powerpoint.
Support split TXT to multi-page powerpoint using delimiter (eg:~~).
Support split TXT to multi-page powerpoint using blank line.
Support insert footer text to slide.
Custom to adjust the lantern slide size and direction.
Custom to use the image as PowerPoint background.
Convert multi-page pdf to multi-page ppt/pptx/pptm.
Support merge the converted images to one powerpoint.
You can load the whole folder to convert.
Save List: Save the converted files to a list.
Load List: Load the saved list files directly to convert.
Automatically extract the converted url address from the input character strings.
Support save output files in the same folder as source files.

متوافق مع جميع اصدرات الونداوز


الضغط : يوجد ضغط

عدد الملفات : 1

الحجم : 8 Mo


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