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قديم 11-03-2011, 08:35 PM
Winamp 2012

Nullsoft Winamp is a fast, flexible, high-fidelity music player for Windows. Winamp supports MP3, CD, WMA, Audiosoft, Mjuice, MOD, WAV and other audio formats, custom appearances called skins and audio visualization and audio effect plug-ins. Download and enjoy it free of charge, free of guilt.


Basic controls: play, pause, stop, forward song, previous song, select new song
Built-in spectrum analyzer and oscilloscope
Track info: author, title, bitrate, sample rate, time, etc.
Additional controls: position slider, balance, volume, equalizer, playlist, shuffle and repeat
Can run in unobtrusive windowshade mode.
All windows dock seamlessly.
Drag and drop playlist editing
Create and save new playlists or load a previous playlist.
Edit song information via ID3 tag editor.
Sort by title and filename or randomize.
Playlist displays current song duration and complete playlist duration for easy dubbing.
Playlist can run without the main window, and includes mini-controls, time display, and visualization.
Ten band graphic equalizer and built-in pre-amplifier
Create and save new pre-amplifier and equalizer settings or load previous setttings.
Create and save song-specific pre-amplifier and equalizer settings.
Get up to the minute in information on Winamp.
Browse Winamp´s Plugin and Skin collection to customize your copy of Winamp.
Support for .wsz files in your skin directory as well as .zip files
Bookmark playlists and SHOUTcast streams

The free lite version of Winamp is also available on FreewareFiles.com. The Lite version Plays MP3s, AAC, WMA, and more; Compatible with Winamp Plug-ins; and has Full Support for Classic Skins.

New Features:

A Completely Redesigned Interface, including Album Art
Multiple device support, including iPods
Access and Share Your Music and Videos with Winamp Remote
Play and Playlist the Best Music on the Web with Media Monitor
Get Artist & Concert News, Videos & more with Smart Search
Enjoy Dynamic Song Recommendations
Experience MP3 Surround Sound Support
Access to Thousands of Internet Radio Stations, Videos and More!
50 FREE MP3 Music Downloads compliments of eMusic's 2-week Trial
Auto-Tagger provides automatic updates to file information
Control Winamp From Your Browser with the Winamp Toolbar

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تحميل مسنجر Windows Live Messenger 2012،2012،ماسنجر 2012|messenger 2012،ماسنجر 2012 عربي الجديد كارلوسي أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 8 01-15-2012 03:36 AM

الساعة الآن 12:30 AM.

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