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قديم 11-05-2011, 09:48 AM
Xion Audio Player 2011

Xion is a high fidelity, deliciously sweet, out of this world audio player.

Xion features a new standard in skin support. Baffled by script syntax? Pulling your hair out over slicing up skin elements? Crying over spilt milk?

Xion has arrived and it brings style, candy and sanity back to your desktop.


Ultra easy to skin using a powerful skinning system (No coding required!)
Complete animation support
Skins load directly from .PSD files, not script or extra files required!
Powerful playlist support
Seamless playback
Crossfading support
10 band equalizer with presets
Blazingly fast, low cpu and low memory consumption
MP3/OGG (Shoutcast, etc) internet radio streaming
Customizable global hotkeys
Auto play and position saver
Single click play/pause
Volume and balance controls
Full system tray functionality
MSN Messenger and Windows Live Messenger Integration
Component Plugin system
Portable version available

Supported file formats:

Advanced Audio Coding (.Aac)
Dolby Digital AC-3 (.Ac3)
CRI ADX (.Adx)
Audio Interchange File Format (.Aiff)
Monkey's Audio (.Ape, .Mac)
Advanced Streaming format (.Asf)
CD Audio (.Cda)
Free Lossless Audio Codec (.Flac)
Impulse Tracker (.It)
MIDI music (.Mid, .Midi, .Kar, .Rmi)
Protracker / FastTracker (.Mod)
MP3/OGG compressed MOD music (.Mo3)
MPEG I/II Layer 1 (.Mp1)
MPEG I/II Layer 2 (.Mp2)
MPEG I/II Layer 3 (.Mp3)
Advanced Audio Coding MPEG-4 (.Mp4)
Apple Lossless Audio Codec (.M4a)
Musepack (.Mpc, .Mp+, .Mpp)
OptimFROG (.Ofr, .Ofs)
Ogg Vorbis (.Ogg)
Scream Tracker 3 (.S3m)
DirectMusic Files (.Sgt)
Speex (.Spx)
The True Audio (.Tta)
Unreal/Unreal Tournament Music File (.Umx)
Microsoft Wave files (.Wav)
Windows Media Audio (.Wma)
WavPack (.wv)
FastTracker 2 (.Xm)

Supported playlist formats:

M3u - M3U Playlist
Pls - PLS Playlist
Wpl - Windows Media Playlist

What's New in version 1.0.127:

Added support for skinned equalizer sliders, eq indicators and eq toggles
Fixed plugin installation on Windows 7/Vista with UAC enabled. Will now prompt to elevate if you don't have rights to install
click here to start download
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