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قديم 11-17-2011, 08:29 AM
لعبة سباق السيارات Opposite Lock 1.3.5

اقدم لكم لعبة

Opposite Lock

سباق السيارات

بصيغة JAR
الاصدار (5)1.3
حجم التطبي66KB
all scren

A highly regarded commercial J2ME title now released as open source. Take your pick from 10 maxed-out street legal racers and prove your mettle on 10 international tracks. The game has three modes of play, practice, tournament or time trial, with up to 8-way multiplayer on supporting handsets.

The version of the game available here only contains the three demo tracks, but the source code is exactly the same as the version on sale. Fire up Eclipse and grab the code to see how it was done, or simply download the editor and design your own tracks. As time goes by I'll add documentation for the track editor and build process.

The game is localised in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Czec

. The editors and tools are currently English only

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