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قديم 11-18-2011, 07:03 PM
بأنفراد تام وتحدي برنامج Zortam Mp3 Center 5 للتحكم بالاغانى وتحويل الصيغ وتقطيعها


Zortam Mp3 Player 1.50

Size: 2.5 MB / Windows All

برنامج Zortam Mp3 Center 5.00 تحويل ملفات mp3 إلى wav النسخ إلى الأقراص المدمجة بأي صيغة تريدها
تستطيع من خلال هذا البرنامج إنشاء البومات منظمة بشكل رائع ومميز ويدعم تشغيل العديد من الصيغ والبرامج الخاصة بالصوت والفيديو

بعض معلومات البرانامج باللغة الانجليزية
zortam mp3 center 5.00

Want to batch auto tag your Mp3 files (ID3 tags) with (cover arts, lyrics, genres, years ...)? Get Zortam Mp3 Center and start batch auto tag process from Zortam Internet Database! We have more then 5 million songs in our database.

Zortam Mp3 Center gives you:

Auto tag your Mp3 music collection using the Zortam Music Internet Database (ZMLIMD)
Mp3 Tagger and MP3 Manager
Zortam Mp3 Player with cover arts and lyrics support
Organize Mp3 music and edit tags in your audio library with a powerful interface
Load 50000 Mp3's and more with the speed of light
ID3 Tag Editor (Mp3 Tagger) with separate views for ID3v1 and ID3v2.4 Tags
Download song lyric and download cover arts (Album covers) from the Zortam Music Interent Database using batch processing - iPod and iTunes ready
Normalize your Mp3's with Volume Normalizer and set custom volume in dB
Rip your CD with CD Ripper and tag your songs in one single step with cover arts(artworks) and lyrics
Batch Wav to Mp3 converter and vice versa
Print HTML Lyrics book width cover arts
Write ID3 Tags from filename
Delete ID3 Tags, delete cover arts, delete lyrics (ID3 Tag Remover)
Search for duplicate Mp3's
Batch file rename using information from ID3 tags(Mp3 Renamer)
Write ID3 tags using information from filename
All options are supporting batch processing
Use mp3 tag lookup using Zortam Music Internet Database for auto tagging



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