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قديم 12-13-2011, 07:05 AM
قصتين Good Colors من تأليفي ابتسام ناصر

Little Princess And Her ring missed

There was a young princess , Walks And Plays About the garden, In The garden The Skies
blue And The Flowers are pink , Red, And Yellow . She plays about the fields. Once Day come a handsome man on the horse And Asked her: Why you are out? You should be in your home. She said to him: could you make me Travel for a trip to far away.
The man replied: Sure my dear.
The princess went with the man far away, Then the princess With The handsome man retuned, Oh! Lost the princess her a ring, She Is very sad now, And She tells to man this: I am very sad because am I lost my a ring can you find It . The man Went by fast And Hurry for get the ring, He went a far And Found the ring And He returned to the princess, And The princess Become glad And This ring Is very exorbitant for the king, And Met her father, good man And Said to him: The ring Is very Important for our so what you wants? I can give you any thing...
The man Replied: Just I want to married your daughter.
The king said: Okay. And He married The princess.
The end
Obey Allah
As I am reading the journal I feel to this life Is not good And The Newspaper It stupid deed I drink tea with milk And Watching TV And Sleeping, Does not work, Does not colors to My life but when I am obey Allah And Read Holy Quran, I feel to my life very good I am In fantasy life, And The colors my life are red , Pink And White. Allah with me, Allah helping me. I do not care about any stupid I am a clever .Writer stories: Ebtesam Nasser Bin Ach
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~{ Colors }~ زَيْنَب حواء ~ 20 03-25-2010 09:34 PM

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