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تحميل برامج القسم يهتم بتحميل برامج الجهاز و بأحدث البرامج التي تخدم المستخدم العربي (حماية-ماسنجر-اصوات-ادارة ملفات - تصميم - والكثير من البرامج المهمه) , يمنع وضع كراكات, سيريل نمبر, مولد ارقام, كيجن.

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قديم 12-17-2011, 01:49 AM
مجموعة رائعة تحتوى على اهم و اسرع برامج تعديل الصوت ،الصورة والفيديو

أتيتكــم اليوم بمجموعة رائعة تحتوى على اهم و اسرع البرامج لتعديل الصوت والصورة والفيديو


AVS Photo Editor
برنامج رائع للتحكم بكل انواع الصور وتعديلها .

AVS Photo Editor - a full-featured application for editing images. This program is designed not only for users who have already acquired some experience in this area, but also for beginners. The program AVS Photo Editor has many useful tools and features that will help you make the necessary editing operations - control the size, zoom, change and improve the color, sharpen shapes of objects. Applicable pre-made effects. Make your photos look perfect.

AVS Image Converter

لتحويل صيغ كل انواع الصور الى الصيغة التى تناسب اختيارك .

AVS Image Converter - an easy and at the same time functional tool for converting images. The program allows you to convert multiple graphic files in several clicks of the mouse, as well as edit, add various effects, text or image watermark.

AVS Audio Editor
برنامج رائع يدعم كل ملفات الصوت بجميع الصيغ .

AVS Audio Editor - a professional audio editor that lets you edit, record and encode music. The program offers over 20 effects and filters including delay, flanger, chorus, reverb, filters to remove the annoying sounds such as "vuvuzelas", the roar of the fans, etc.

AVS Audio Converter

لتحويل كل صيغ الصوت فهو الافضل فانة لايؤثر على جودة الصوت

AVS Audio Converter - software for converting audio files from one format to another. Support converting WAV, OGG Vorbis, MP3, MP2, Microsoft ADPCM, WMA, VOX, AAC, M4A, AMR and other audio formats. Prior to the transformation program determines the frequency, number of channels and other parameters of audio files. In addition, the program allows you to specify settings for MP3 and OGG formats when you convert audio files and edit the information in the tags. User-friendly and convenient interface, extended format support, which offers this koverter, turn into a fun routine converts the audio.

AVS Video Recorder

لوكنت من محبى تصوير الفيديو وتحتاج لبرنامج لنقل الفيديو الى dvd دون ان يؤثر على الصورة اويضغطها فبرنامجنا هو الافضل

AVS Video Recorder - a program designed for transfer to digital video cameras, camcorders and other devices to capture video. Keep the videos on your computer and create a DVD with video Domash. In addition, it allows you to capture video from web cameras encode video directly to MPEG-2 instead of native hardware uncompressed video format and save on your computer.

AVS Video Editor

لتصليح كل عيوب الفيديو وعمل افلامك الخاصة وميزات وسهولة فى قص وربط المقاطع

AVS Video Editor - a full-featured video editor to create professional video processing. You can make video capture with video cameras and TV tuners, to impose a variety of effects, create and burn DVD, export movies to various video formats, edit videos and convert them to iPod, PSP, mobile phones and other portable players. Automatic scene detection algorithm allows you to quickly move, edit files and errors associated with splitting and combining files.

AVS Video Converter

لتحويل كل ملفات وصيغ الفيديو الى كل الامتدادات التى تناسب نظام تشغيلك

AVS Video Converter - program with advanced features, all in one, converter, burn VCD, SVCD, DVD, an advanced video editor. A key feature of it is: convert AVI, MPEG, WMV, DVD video to AVI, MPEG, WMV, RM formats, burning DVD, SVCD or VCD, package converting, editing, video overlay effects and filters to extract audio from video and save in a separate audio file, extract frame (frame) and save as images, split into segments and joining video files, video rotation, adding to the text, banners, logos, selection and setting the codec to convert, has Russian interface.

AVS Disc Creator

لنسخ كل اعملك على دفيدى او سى دى واخذ النسخ من اسطواناتك المفضلة

AVS Disc Creator software for recording data on disks. AVS Disc Creator is a handy and functional style interface Windows. On the one hand the working window contents of the disc and on the other hand - the directory tree on your computer. Supports large disks formats CD-R/RW, DVD + /-R, DVD + /-RW, DVD-RAM, Double / Dual Layer DVD, as well as new formats Blu-Ray BD-R and BD-RE. AVS Disc Creator is able to burn discs with multisession, including a DVD media. Besides normal recording is possible to create disk images (ISO). To avoid losing data stored on the disk recording quality can be checked by means of the program.

تحميل البرنامج

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