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محاولاتك الشعرية قسم خاص بمحاولات الاعضاء الشعرية

موضوع مغلق
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قديم 12-26-2011, 06:51 PM
Cool Another lie

You are ignoring me or that is just a feeling??
Do you love me as before and more?
Or it was a story in your life and you let it go?
I don’t know why I stay waiting you!
To wake up and see how much you me!
So then!!
Will you tell me why you let my hand?
Will you share with me your smile and your life?
Will you tell me why, you named me your sister?
When every thing was a lie?
Will you answer me if I told you?
I don't want to live with out you?
And where you were when every thing was turning around,
When I really felt that I'll lose my mind?
I may seem happy with out you, but that is my own lie
I were a butterfly who loved you,
But you let me fly
So now…
I'll close my eyes, to dream in you,
And to told you, I hope you love e as I do
As I'm, and as I always was.
Then let me open my eyes, and I wish
All my dreams become true!!
If it didn't, let me tell you
That you were my life
So I'll try to pretend I'm fine, even I was burning inside
And I will try to understand, that you were just another LIE
موضوع مغلق

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