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قديم 12-27-2011, 09:31 AM
Video To Animated GIF v3.4.0.0

Video To Animated GIF v3.4.0.0 + SERIAL

Video to GIF v3.4.0.0
Video to GIF is a professional multi-function picture video converter with friendly and simple interface. With the Video to GIF Converter, you can easily and fast create high quality animated GIF files from video clips, the video to gif software supprt most popular video formats, such as AVI, MPEG, MP4, DivX, WMV, DVD(VOB), RMVB etc.
Graphics Interchange Format(GIF) animation images are fast to make in Video to GIF converter, no plug-ins are required, and you use common HTML tag to publish it on your web page.

Video to GIF conversion method
1. Convert gif animation from video clips.
2. Video to static picture list, support all popular image formats.
3. Video to TV Wall ( different picture in a static picture).
4. Capture an image from a video file.

Video Information preview
You can see the video information in software Video to GIF, include "Total Time", "Total Frames", "Video Size", "Frame Rate", "Aspect" and "Work Area" .easy to use.
Accurately control length of time.
Manual input time and via progress bar for accurately control to per frame.

Video to GIF Resize
you can select any size for your need. And support three interpolation option:
Sawtooth - strong contrast, distinct picture, but you may lose some details;
Sharpen - Its effect is very good, between smooth and sawtooth, picture is distinct. This is a popular way;
Smooth - Smooth edge without sawtooth, make picture looks vaguer.
Frame Rate
Display total frames in output, you can select X pictures per second for control speed in GIF animation.

Provide 12 effects for you. Video to GIF formats supported
Input formats: AVI, MPG, MPEG, ASF, WMV, WM, RM, RMVB, VOB, MOV, 3GP, M1V, VOB, DVD
Output formats: JPEG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, PNG, TGA, ICO, PCX, PDF, JPEG2000, WBMP, PSD, etc
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