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قديم 12-29-2011, 05:06 PM
lmTOO YouTube Video Converter v3.2.1.1216

lmTOO YouTube Video Converter v3.2.1.1216

ImTOO YouTube Video Converter v3.2.1.1216 | 22 MB
Looking for a smart way to transfer your favorite YouTube videos to your iPod, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, Zune, Xbox, mobile phones or just about any portable device you can think of? Well, look no further! With ImTOO YouTube Video Converter, you can view, download AND convert multiple YouTube videos to different formats (incl. AVI, MPEG, MP4, 3GP, PSP MPEG-4, DivX, XviD, FLV) in ONE SIMPLE STEP.

Using ImTOO YouTube Video Converter's built-in browser, you can view any YouTube video quickly and download it in an instant simply by drag and drop. You can also
Key Features
Download and convert multiple YouTube videos to various formats in batches.
Download YouTube videos with the proxy server you set in the application.
Offers conversion profiles with optimized parameters for a wide range of multimedia devices.
View tasks as lists or thumbnails; sort them by file size, name, output format, output path and task status.
One-step YouTube video downloading converting solution offering maximum speed for downloading and converting YouTube videos.
Download and convert FLV videos YouTube to AVI, MP4, etc. with drag and drop.
View info of downloaded YouTube videos such as bit rate, frame rate and sample rate.
Preset a "post-task action" (shut down, hibernate, stand by, quit application) and the desired action will be automatically performed after a job is done.
Multi-language interface: English, German, Japanese, Spanish, French and Chinese.
Download FileSonic
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