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قديم 12-30-2011, 10:21 AM
تحديث برنامج رائع لأختصار برامجك في قائمة مثل أبدأ LGuide v1.55 s60

LGuide v1.55 s60v3 SymbianOs9.x unsigned Eng translated by Shankru


Press the left soft key to start the desktop like PC start menu . We will provide you with personalized unlock , weather , program shortcut, restart the phone and the time offand a series of convenient services.This software is the default boot , you can modify the setup menu to switch to the desktop in the desktop menu and disable the power- off start . This software via GPRS to get weather information , that you will consume small amounts of GPRS traffic ( less than a day 1K), recommend that you use operators to provide Internet access subscription packages !


? Added AutoPlay feature
? Added new start menu skins
? Minor interface improvements

يمكنك أختصار تطبيقاتك في قائمة شبيها بقائمة ابدا للكمبيوتر مع عرض الطقس ومميزات اخرى


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