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قديم 01-18-2012, 10:49 PM
حصريا برنامج Password Recovery Bundle لفك كلمات سر اكثر من 30 برنامج


Password Recovery Bundle Forensic Edition v2012

Size: 731 KB / Windows All

يستطيع البرنامج كشف الباسورد لأكثر من 34 نوع من الملفات

البرامج التي يدعمها

Windows, Word , Excel, QuickBooks, Access, Acrobat وغيرها

. الان على كريزى مان برنامج Passware Password Recovery الرهيب لكشف باسورد لاكثر من 42 نوع من الملفات

A complete suite of ElcomSoft password recovery tools allows corporate and government customers to unprotect disks and systems and decrypt files and documents protected with popular applications. Based on in-house tests as well as feedback from ElcomSoft valuable customers, these password recovery tools are the fastest on the market, the easiest to use and the least expensive.


Industry certified: Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, Intel Software Partner, NVIDIA Developer Support
Broad compatibility: recovers document and system passwords to various file formats
GPU acceleration: patent-pending technology reduces password recovery time by a factor of 50 (up to; click to see comparison chart)
Linear scalability: allows using a number of multi-core and multi-processor workstations connected over a LAN or the Internet with linear increase of recovery speed
Minimum bandwidth utilization and zero scalability overhead
Flexible queue control and easy job management
Remote management of password recovery workstations
Completely traceable: keeps track of CPU time and resource utilization, password recovery jobs and user activities



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