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قديم 01-26-2012, 08:34 PM
البرنامج الرائع FaceOffMax- لتركيب الاوجه علي الصور



Size: 24.5 MB / Windows 2K / XP / 2003 / Vista / Vista64 / 7 / 7 x64

البرنامج الرائع لتركيب الاوجه علي الصور

Face Off Max allows you to create a fun image by pasting your face on any other body using any photo or template.Haven't you ever wondered how you would look if you had another body? Wouldn't it be great to see your face in a celebrity group or on a magazine cover? Now Face Off Max enables you to embarrass your coworkers, make yourself look cool and make your friends look like dweebs all with a few clicks of the mouse.

Our amazingly simple and easy interface, step-by-step instruction and hundreds of
fantastic templates allow anyone to be a professional artist. Share your creations with your friends. It's perfect with facebook, MySpace, email, blogs, spaces, ecards, fakes, jokes and many more!

Key Features:-

- Easy to Use
- Amazingly simple and easy interface allows anyone to be an artist.
- Real Skin Blending
- Make headswaps look better than other photo editors.
- Fantastic Template
- Hundreds of cool templates designed by professional artists.
- Easy to Share
- Perfect for Email, myspace, facebook, ecards, fakes, jokes and many more!



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