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قديم 02-23-2015, 09:12 PM
الناروساكو لانهم لم يفهمو عما يتحدث فلم الطريق الى النينجا فقد اعتقدوه دليلهم الوحيد
اما نحن فنلنا فلم بعنوان الطريق الى السعادة
ايها الناروساكو ان قرات الدرس دون ان تفهم محتواه فاعلم انك ستاخذ الصفر يوم الامتحان
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قديم 02-23-2015, 09:48 PM
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قديم 02-23-2015, 10:19 PM
sorin said:
Thank you for saying that. I made a post earlier in November about respecting everyone's view point! NS wont work because, it ignores everyone's else feelings... like i never understood why people thought it would work. Who's going to love Sasuke unconditionally? what about Hinata's feelings? or Sakura's? And Naruto's crush was easily made clear that, it was nothing more than attention that he wanted. what about Naruto's growth and maturity? oh well, This is why i stopped arguing.

Few reasons:

1) People are stubborn and like to take things personally. Most traditional underdog-turned-hero tropes end with the hero getting the girl, and for the hero (especially male heroes) to remain just the way he is but still be loved for his dorkiness/idiocy etc etc. People who got so invested into Naruto’s 12-year old self being consistently rejected by the “pretty girl” Sakura also decided that he HAD to win her affection at all cost to prove his worth and show the world that he was not worthless. Except this kind of trope only happen in movies and one-time storylines (not a long ass series)…not to mention it fulfills the long-thriving stereotypical concept of Geeks/Weird ppl vs. Normal people. Example: “Revenge of the Nerds”. People today are still stubborn to that trope because it reflects and uplifts the oddity in themselves. Sasuke is the “cool jock” so hate him at all cost because those kind of people make the haters behind the computer look bad. They put themselves in Naruto’s shoes and then go and bash on Sakura’s feelings because she still continues to like the “jock”, which is a no-no in these traditional tropes, so she must be an idiot for not liking the “nice-guy” Naruto. These people also can’t stand when their hero changes or “grows” out of this phase…because again, all they care about is that their own personal “revenge against the normals” are met via the characters. Forget about understanding the message in the manga…because they won’t.

2) People are nostalgia-driven creatures. These ones can fall under the haters but also just normal NS fans who can’t get 12 year old Naruto out of their mind. They see the same idiotic dork and his tension with the pink-haired beauty, and they find that “cute”, or how they say…”They fight like a married couple.” Nostalgia overruns the ability to see the characters’ growth and personal understanding throughout the series….which then provokes the active NS shippers to come up with ridiculous evidence from the manga when it’s all just to feed fuel to their nostalgic pish posh (If you have noticed, there was more bashing on Sasusaku than trying to come up with evidence to support Narusaku. You can’t win an argument by complaining about your enemy and not proving your own worth). So when people say “these antis can’t read”…what’s actually happening is they CHOOSE not to read.

There are other reasons too but I rather not go into nitty gritty details. Just know that all of these result in some form of obsession for one character/ship and complete hate for someone else. By now I’ve grown to accept that human beings are emotional, instinctual creatures who more or less refuse to see reason. That’s just the plain-jane answer to it. Those who get the message are better off, those who don’t like something but still can move on with a shrug are capable, and those who take it to the extreme if their desires are not met should probably not walk outside their doors.

ANd you’re welcome sweets ^^
.. وهذا شخص آخر يحلل لنا مزحة الناروساكو الحابس في الحدوري ....
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قديم 02-23-2015, 10:44 PM
الفرق بين الثنائيات ناروهينا ساسوساكو وناروساكو ساسوكارين ساسوهينا وساسونارو
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قديم 02-23-2015, 11:44 PM
لقد بلغ الفلم الاخير من الصيت في تايلاندا الى درجة صاروا يعاملونه كما لو كان من الانتاج المحلي !
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الساعة الآن 05:01 PM.

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