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قديم 08-15-2012, 11:24 PM
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة мɪss yυĸɪ● مشاهدة المشاركة
محبة سيموني
سأضع فرضيتي غدا ^^

وبالنسبة لنآقآتو أظن أنه فعلآ تأثر ولم يكن ينوي قتل هينآتآ لآ أعرف هل تذكره بعآئلته أم رفيقه يآهيكو أو حتى كونآن ولكن فعلآ يبدو أنه تأثر
بمآ أنكِ تحبين هينآتآ أتريدين...shimeji عن هينآتآ ^^؟

وإذآ كنتِ لآ تعرفين معنى الـ shimeji هو عبآرة عن تشيبيات كيوت تفعل مآ تشآء في سطح مكتبك تتسلق تمشي وتنآم كمآ في الصورة^^
لدي وآآحد عن ديدآرآ-سآآمآ وآآآه أنه مليء بالنشآآط >v<

"تحميل تشيبي هينآتآ"
واو عزفتي على الوتر الحساس لدي
اموت في هيناتا
شكرا لك ساجرب استعماله
اللاب توب خاصتي صغير الحجم اعتبريه شيبي مع انه نت بوك هههههههه
ستناسبه هيناتا
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قديم 08-16-2012, 12:50 AM
للاسف البرنامج لم يفتح عندي لم استطع تشغيله اهئ اهئ اهئ
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-16-2012, 01:16 AM


“في كُلِ شئ أفعله أجيد خلق البدايات، لكن نهاياتي دائمًا ما تكون مُعلقة بك!”

“قريبٌ أنت إلى أبعد حدّ، بعيدٌ أنت إلى أقرب مدى.”
قريبٌ أنت إلى أبعد حدّ ، بعيدٌ أنت إلى أقرب مدى.”

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-16-2012, 01:19 AM
هذا تقرير بس من موقع اجنبي

Ten Reasons I Hate NaruSaku

10.) It's anti-climatic
Just because Sakura may lose her feelings for Sasuke does not mean that she'll instantly fall for Naruto. I find it quite odd that Sakura would suddenly love him as soon as Naruto comes back and during Sasuke's dissappearance. Sakura love(d) Sasuke, Sasuke leaves, then she loves Naruto? It does not mean right.

9.) It's cliche
NaruSaku tards always complain about NaruHina and SasuSaku being cliche' when NaruSaku is no better. In fact, NaruSaku is more cliche:
-Guy gets the girl he want(ed)
-Girls hated guy at first, but suddenly loves him.
-Guy is moronic.
-Girl is short-tempered.
-Girl beats up and nags guy.

So hypocritical.

8.) It's not part of Naruto's intention.
True, Naruto did like Sakura, but it is not his goal to be with her. Naruto's goals include:
-Become Hokage
-To be loved
-Change Hyuuga Clan's rules.
-Retrive Sasuke.
The only reason why Naruto liked Sakura in the first place is for acknowlegement; he wants to be loved in general, not specifically Sakura-so he can fall for anyone.

7.)It's not part of Kishimoto's intentions.
You cannot focus on the manga itself, you must see how Kishimoto feels about NaruSaku. So far, he barely mentions it. In the interviews, databooks, and even video game instructions describe Sakura's feelings for Sasuke and Hinata's feelings for Naruto much more than Naruto's feelings for Sakura (vice versa). If Kishimoto wanted NaruSaku to be canon, then he would of put more effort into it just as he has with NaruHina and SasuSaku.
Also, Kishimoto mentioned that he stresses over team pairings and has proven that pretty well in the manga:
ObitioXRin, JiraiyaXTsunade, SasukeXSakura.
Neither of them worked out.

6.)It's ignoring Naruto's true views on Sakura.
In Ch. 172, Naruto saw Sakura hug and cried over Sasuke in the hospital; it gave Naruto a wake-up call that she's more interested in Sasuke more than him, which is why he's not chasing after her anymore.He knows his place. PLEASE do not argue with the following:
Naruto asked her on a date!
He said that it was "for old times sake". Just comedy relief, not romantic proof.

Naruto promised her to bring back Sasuke! It's his nindou!
The promise is not just about Sakura, Naruto cares about Sasuke too, deeply. Naruto's the only one capable to bring him back anyway. Plus, I doubt Naruto would go through all this trobule just to gain Sakura's attention.

5.)It's jumping conclusions about Sakura.
-A blush does not equal love! It's admiration. Sakura looked at Naruto the same way during his fight with Zabuza. She's impressed by how Naruto's becoming a good shinobi.
-Sakura's being more nicer to Naruto is a symbol of her maturity; she use to favor Sasuke over Naruto after all.
-The date she agreed to was not romantic, like I said. Sakura did not even go with Naruto did not have any money. If Sakura does love him, wouldn't she go out with him anyway?
-Sakura was crying basically because she felt useless, not Naruto directly. Besides, Sakura cried over Sasuke too; several times more than she ever has with Naruto.
-"In reality you..." is really jumping into conclusions. Yamato did not finish the question, and Sakura did not finish the answer. Yamato did not know about her realitionship with Sasuke. Plus, a NaruHina picture Kishimoto drew was in that chapter. Why would he do that if that chapter is suppose to be a NaruSaku moment?

4.) Screentime=/=love.
Just because Sakura and Naruto spend the most time together does not mean it developes romance. For one, they're teamates, of course they are together alot and know and care about each other-most of the other teams in Naruto have too. Sakura barely notice Naruto this much until Sasuke left. So far, how they treat each other now is no differently than friends usually do.

3.) Abuse and lying does not form a romantic relationship!
NaruSaku tards foolish believe that Sakura's punches on Naruto means she "loves" him or "keeping her man in check". That's not love, THAT'S ABUSE! I know it's just comedy relief, but if NaruSaku occurs, this will not grow into a healthy bond. Naruto's more comfortable with Hinata than he is with Sakura-HIS TEAMATE! Fear and control=/=love. If Naruto is abusing Sakura, I bet tards would see it differently.
Also, lying does not help either. Ever since Sasuke had the Curse Mark, Sakura was keeping the truth away from Naruto. I know Sakura means well, but lying to him will do more harm than good. I do not want to see this happen again if NaruSaku becomes canon.

2.) NaruSaku is unfair
-It's unfair to Sakura because falling for Naruto makes it look like her feelings for Sasuke did not matter to her or treating Naruto as the rebound; like I said, it is odd that Sakura would love Naruto in the middle of Sasuke's dissappearance.
-It's unfair to Sasuke because because NaruSaku excludes him. Without Sasuke, there is no Team 7. The only reason why Naruto and Sakura are so "close" is because they share the same goal: bringing back Sasuke.
-It's unfair to Naruto because chasing after Sakura is pointless for his character developement. Sooner or later, Sasuke will come back (unless he dies); it's Naruto and Sakura's goal and the series is about accomplishing goals. And as usual, Sakura will favor him over Naruto since, sadly, Sasuke keeps Sakura immature; it will just repeat what happened in the hospital. Even if Sakura loves Naruto, do you think he'll return her love after learning about her feelings for Sasuke?
-It's unfair to Hinata because unlike Naruto's crush on Sakura, her crush on Naruto is her goal and Team 8's goal-the series is about accomplishing goals like I said. Naruto: Shippuuden is also about "people accepting other people"-I highly dobut Naruto would reject Hinata for a girl who has feelings for someone else and rejected Naruto many times in part 1. Plus, of all people, Naruto knows how it feels to be rejected, especially romantically. So why would he do that to Hinata?

The one thing I cannot stand more than the pairing is it's n00bish fans! They complain that NaruHina/SasuSaku fandom is bad when NaruSaku is surely no better-so hypocritical. They also, now believe that because Kuushina (somehow), looks like Sakura, that means NaruSaku is going to be canon. And worst of all, hate and bash Sasuke and Hinata (and she didn't do anything but having a crush on Naruto) because they're a "threat" to NaruSaku-and worst, pair them together only for the sake of NaruSaku; there's no developement, not even reaction. Sasuke nor Hinata is keeping NaruSaku from becoming canon-SAKURA IS! She always had feelings for Sasuke and favored him and Naruto knows it now. I admit, NaruHina/SasuSaku fandom is not perfect, but NaruSaku is just as bad, probably worst.

“في كُلِ شئ أفعله أجيد خلق البدايات، لكن نهاياتي دائمًا ما تكون مُعلقة بك!”

“قريبٌ أنت إلى أبعد حدّ، بعيدٌ أنت إلى أقرب مدى.”
قريبٌ أنت إلى أبعد حدّ ، بعيدٌ أنت إلى أقرب مدى.”

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-16-2012, 02:20 AM
الى البنات المحبات للمسلسل الكوري الرااااااااائع
امبراطور البحر يعرض الان على هدية مس يوكي
الساعة 12 ليلا بتوقيت الجزائر 2 بتوقيت السعودية
وصل لاجمل الحلقات الحاسمة
mimisakura likes this.
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الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
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بلييييييز ابي نهاية ساسكي+ساكورا ناروتو=هيناتا ๗ệאŜǿŝ๑ฤℓę أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 42 02-25-2013 03:29 PM
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هيناتا + ناروتو = ؟؟؟؟ ساكورا + ساسكى=؟؟؟؟ دمعة حزن عراقيه أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 53 08-05-2012 12:02 AM
قصص تعلقة بالثنائيات ساسكي & ساكورا و ناروتو & هيناتا فقط ........ мίšš кόтόкό● أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 22 02-05-2012 05:25 PM

الساعة الآن 10:06 PM.

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