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قديم 08-26-2013, 01:54 PM
لقينـآ زوجة نآروتو المستقبلية

نآروتو بشر امك قلهآ خلآص لقينآهآ ههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه

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قديم 08-26-2013, 02:02 PM


تأثرت هنـآ ،، حرآآآم

الله الله


عندي صور كثيرة بحطهم بعدين ، تسجيل خروج

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-26-2013, 02:15 PM
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة sakura.sama مشاهدة المشاركة
لقينـآ زوجة نآروتو المستقبلية

نآروتو بشر امك قلهآ خلآص لقينآهآ ههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه

اول قصة لي بعنوان ما فائدة الحياة في عالم انت لست موجودا فيه
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-26-2013, 02:18 PM
أيــآكِ والاعترآض على وصية كوشينآ ^

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-26-2013, 02:32 PM
احضرت لكم هذه من موقع مانغا باندا
لا اعرف ان كانت صحيحة ام لا اترك لكم القراءة فقط حتى ظهور الشابتر

First: Naruto Manga 644: "The Duo of Fate"

Naruto: "Dad, let's finish this battle together!"
Minato: "Right..."
Minato: (Thinking) "I see... You really aren't a little boy anymore... Naruto..." (Smiles)



Sasuke: "Naruto, Fourth Hokage! You may need my help!"
Naruto: "Right, let's go then, use everything you've got to stop this thing!"
Tobirama: "Naruto, Sasuke! Me and the Fourth are going to stop 2 of the Bijuu Damas, you have to stop the other two!"
Minato: "This won't be needed..."


Minato is shown glowing, as he prepares to enter Bijuu Mode alongside his son.

Minato: "Now I can teleport the tree itself!"
Naruto: "Heheh... I guess that you can leave it to him then." (Smiles)
Sasuke: (Thinking) "They're the same... Like father, like son I suppose..."


Tobirama: "What's going on? Fourth, your right hand is regenerating..."
Minato: "It's Kurama's power... His chakra is recovering the Edo Tensei..."
Tobirama: "Kurama? You mean the Kyuubi? But isn't your son the Jinchuuriki?"
Minato: "It's hard to explain it, and we don't have time for this. I will tell you after we stop Obito!"


Tobirama: "Okay... Anyway, what are you planning?"
Minato: "You take care only of one Bijuu Dama. I will handle to other 3!"

Minato is shown using 4 Chakra Hands, as his right arm already regenerated.


Obito: "Damn you, sensei... Begone already!"

Obito's tree shoots the Bijuu Damas, as Minato and his Chakra Hands are shown holding his Hiraishin Kunais, as Tobirama suddenly disappears.


Minato: "I won't let you kill my ancestors! No way!"
Obito: "You're all talk... But you're all gonna die... NOW!"
Minato: "I wonder if what you're saying is true... Observe, Triple Space-Time Barrier!

Minato is shown teleporting 3 of the Bijuu Damas outside Obito's barrier, sending them to the ocean once again.


Obito: "Huh, it looks like you were able to teleport 3 of my bombs... But what will you do about the fourth one?!"
Tobirama: "Don't forget about me, Hiraishin no Jutsu!"

Tobirama appears in front of the Bijuu Dama, as he sends it back to his seal on Obito's back.


Obito: "Shit, I'm getting bored from all these teleportations!"
Tobirama: (Thinking) "Looks like it worked... Anyway, I can't go closer to him anymore..."
Naruto: "That was fantastic, dad, Second Hokage!"
Tobirama: "Don't congratulate yet. We don't know if our attack will be successful..."

PAGE 10:

The Bijuu Damas teleported to the ocean by Minato are shown exploding, as Obito is shown covered in his Black Orbs Shield.

Obito: (Thinking) "I won't be able to dodge it, because I can't use my Kamui at this state... So, I have to take the blast..."

Sasuke: "There's no escaping this time!"

PAGE 11:

Large explosion is shown, as Obito took all the damage from the Bijuu Dama!

Naruto: "Take this! The Juubi and it's Bijuu Damas are both Natural Energy, you have to be seriously wounded!"
Hashirama: "Good job, Tobirama, Fourth! Everyone, listen to me! While he's still incapacitated, I want all of you to use your strongest long-range attack to damage him! Remember, whatever you do, don't get close to him!"

PAGE 12:

Konoha Shinobi: "You all heard him! Let's do what he says!"
Suna Shinobi: "Yes!"
Iwa Shinobi: "Right!"
Kiri Shinobi: "Roger!"

PAGE 13:

Madara: "Hashirama... Do you really think that these guys have the power to stop Obito?"
Hashirama: "It doesn't matter how strong he is. If we work together, we'll be able to stop him!"
Madara: "I wonder if you're right... Let's wait and see, while we're enjoying our fight!"

Madara charges at Hashirama with his Final Susanoo, as Hashirama defends himself with his Mokuton: Mokujin no Jutsu.

PAGE 14:

Yang Kurama: "Naruto, Minato! It's time for you to use Bijuu Transformation!"
Yin Kurama: "Yes, we gotta hurry!"
Naruto: "Right away!"
Minato: "Heheh, I look forward to it..."

PAGE 15:

Naruto and Minato are shown glowing, as they appear in their full Bijuu Modes.

Sasuke: (Thinking) "Incredible... What a power..."
Tobirama: "Okay, it's time for us to strike with our most powerful attacks. Let's go!"
Naruto: "Right... Dad?"
Minato: "Ready when you are!"

PAGE 16:

Naruto uses Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, as he creates one clone in Sage Mode, as Minato and his real body start charging Double Bijuu Dama.

Sasuke: "So this is how it is... I'm ready for action!"
Tobirama: "So fast... Heheh, I guess it's time for me to join the party, too!"

Sasuke is shown preparing Enton: Yasaka no Magatama while standing in his Final Susanoo armor, as Tobirama creates large water dragon.

PAGE 17:

Naruto's Clone: "Take this! Senpo: Chou Oodama Rasen-Shuriken!"
Naruto: (Thinking) "Obito... On the eve of my birthday..."
Minato: (Thinking) "Obito... On the eve of my son's birthday..."
Naruto: (Thinking) "...I'll avenge my parents' deaths and I'll end this war..."
Minato: (Thinking) "...I'll avenge Kushina's death and I'll end this war..."

PAGE 18:

Naruto/Minato: "...BY KILLING YOU!!"

Naruto, Minato, Sasuke, Tobirama and the remainder of the Shinobi Alliance shoots their most powerful long-range techniques at Obito's direction!!


Chapter 644: END
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الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
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قصص تعلقة بالثنائيات ساسكي & ساكورا و ناروتو & هيناتا فقط ........ мίšš кόтόкό● أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 22 02-05-2012 05:25 PM

الساعة الآن 12:03 PM.

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