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حوارات ونقاشات الانمي قسم خاصة بنقاشات مسلسلات الانمي وحلقاتها واسرارها و تحليل جميع الشخصيات وابطال الانمي

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قديم 09-23-2013, 11:15 PM
اراشي كيبا لا يحب هيناتا صديقه فقط

أمم بنسبه للهديه كيشي معاجبه يعطي لساسكي هديه خخخخخ

اما بنسبه للعمر انتضريني بس اتاكد
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09-23-2013, 11:21 PM
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة محبوبيサスケ مشاهدة المشاركة
اراشي كيبا لا يحب هيناتا صديقه فقط

أمم بنسبه للهديه كيشي معاجبه يعطي لساسكي هديه خخخخخ

اما بنسبه للعمر انتضريني بس اتاكد

ظنيته يحبها هههههههههه هذا أفضل
كيشي غير عادل أبداً بس أحس أنه مهتم بشيكا كثيرا ، طيب حبيبتي شكراً وأنتظرك ........

دٌّواٍّمُّ اٍّلَّحّْاٍّلَّ مُّنِّ اٍّلَّمُّحّْاٍّلَّ

و اٍّلَّحّْمُّدٌّ الَّلَّهّْ عَّ كّْلَّ حّْاٍّلَّ
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09-23-2013, 11:36 PM
ساكورا 28 March
ساسكي 23 July
ناروتو 10 October
اينو 23 September
كارين 20 June
هيناتا 27 December

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09-24-2013, 10:25 AM
ناروهينا ساسوساكو
صباح الخير
نزل السبولير الخاص بالشابتر 648
قراته ليلا واليوم نزل على صفحة مانغا باندا
لا اعرف ان كان صحيح لكن انقله لكم


Naruto and Sasuke are shown standing together in Bijuu Sage Mode and Complete Susanoo respectively.

Naruto: "I won't let you deal with this alone... Sasuke!"
Sasuke: "Hmph, this is what I wanted to hear!"



Minato: (Thinking) "Naruto... you became perfect shinobi... just I imagined you to be..." (Tear is shown on his serious face)
Sakura: (Thinking) "Naruto... thank you... once again..."
Hinata: (Thinking) "Naruto-kun... You've been an example for me for all these years... And yet, I can't do anything... I can just rely on you and put all my hope in you... Because I know that you can do it, now go and save the world!" (Smile, combined with a tear appear on her face)


The Five Kage land nearby Tobirama, Hiruzen, Minato and Juugo.

Gaara: "Naruto... You're not overdoing it a bit, aren't you?"
Tsunade: "Kazekage, this is Naruto we're talking about, don't worry!"
Naruto: "Gaara, Granny! It took you too long, but I'm glad you're here! I guess that this should be handy..."


Naruto uses Chakra Arms to touch the Gokage, giving them Kurama Chakra Cloak.

Ay: "Huh, is this...?"
Onoki: "It's the Kyubi's power!"
Naruto:"His name is Kurama!"
Tsunade: "I see... So you two are friends now."


Kurama is shown in Naruto's mind.

Kurama: "Heh, that's enough, Naruto! Remember, the tree nearly killed us, we don't have much time before it blooms. And if this happens... then it's all over!"
Naruto: "Don't worry... I don't know how much time is left until it blooms, but I'll definitely stop it before this happens!"
Kurama: "Let's go then... Show them our true power, Naruto!"


Naruto: "Sasuke, we gotta get to work. Kurama just told me that we don't have much time!"
Sasuke: "Right... Amaterasu!"

Sasuke uses the black flames to burn the roots of the God Tree, but he fails, as the tree absorbs the chakra of the Ninjutsu.


Ay: "Heh, the Uchiha brat's really fighting on our side... Not that I'm going to forgive him for my hand anyway!"
Hiruzen: "Sasuke, don't use Ninjutsu against this thing. We can stop it only by physical force, or Senjutsu. Any other attempts will be unsuccessful!"
Minato: "Ay... Did you heard Lord Third? We have to stop him by physical strenght, are you ready?"


Ay: "Minato... Even you are here! Surprises just don't stop... Ready when you are!"
Minato: "Heh, too bad that we won't have our fight as a Kage vs Kage though..." (Smiles)
Obito: "You just don't seem to understand... In what position you are!"

The God Tree suddenly sends another set of roots at the Alliance's direction.


Naruto: "Damn... Sasuke?"
Sasuke: "I'm on it!"

Sasuke slices through some roots with his Susanoo, as Naruto is shown preparing large Bijuu Dama, reinforced with Sage Art.

Minato: "Naruto, I think that my help will be useful."

PAGE 10:

Minato lands near Naruto in BM, as he adds power to Naruto's Senpo: Bijuu Dama.

Naruto: "Thanks dad, this will help a lot!"
Minato: "Heh, you should thank Kurama instead."

Naruto and Minato shoot the Bijuu Dama, wiping out many of the tree's roots.

PAGE 11:

Sakura: "Master Tsunade! Shikamaru is heavily wounded, his chakra level is very low!"
Tsunade: "Sakura, you're my best student... I'm proud of you, I know that you can save him, until I stop this thing from killing anymore people!"
Sakura: "But..."
Karin: "Step aside pink head, I'll handle this."

Karin and Suigetsu arrive near Shikamaru, Sakura and the others, as Karin kneels before Shikamaru.

PAGE 12:

Karin: "Come on man, bite my hand, though I don't want any other than Sasuke to do it..."
Suigetsu: "Haha, you admitted again that you like Sasuke!"
Karin: "Shut up Suigetsu, you moron! You were the one who told me that healing the Alliance comes in first place, bastard!"

Shikamaru is shown biting Karin's hand, as he starts to regenerate his chakra similar to Tsunade when Karin was healing her.

PAGE 13:

Shikamaru is shown standing slowly, as he looks fully recovered.

Shikamaru: "Thank you, descendant of the Uzumaki clan..."
Karin: "Huh, that's my job after all..."
Sakura: (Thinking) "She's... a descendant of the Uzumaki clan?" (Looks with a surprised expression)
Choji: "Shikamaru, I'm glad that you're okay!"

PAGE 14:

Tsunade: "Good job... Now we should take care of our part, let's go, Kages!"
Mei: "Here we go!"
Hiruzen: "The boys took care of the bigger part, let's take care of the remaining ones!"
Tobirama: "Let's go, Saru!"

PAGE 15:

The Five Kage and the remainder of the Edo Hokages are shown destroying the other roots of the Shinju, as Madara and Hashirama are shown clashing.

Madara: "Tsk, these pests are just getting in the way of my plan..."
Hashirama: "Tsunade and the other Kages arrived, we'll find a way to stop your selfish dream from coming true!"
Madara: "Hashirama... Our battle is over now. I'm going to stop Obito and take his place... which was originally mine!"

PAGE 16:

Hashirama: "Even you can't..."
Madara: "Don't underestimate me! Now I have your power, remember? I have some tricks to offer... I'm itching to use my trump card!"
Hashirama: "Trump card...?"
Madara: "Go and help the Kages in their pathetic attempts to cut down the Shinju... While I'm taking down Obito!"

PAGE 17:

Obito: "I knew that you were going to betray me anyway some day... And you must know that I was the one using you, the whole time!"

Madara lands in his Complete Susanoo shroud in front of Naruto, Minato and Sasuke, staring at Obito.

Madara: "It's time for me to regain the leadership, Obito!"

Hashirama's Sage Mode markings appear around Madara's Rinnegan eyes, as he finally reveals his trump card, shown in a close up panel!

PAGE 18:

Minato: "Looks like Madara will try to take down Obito himself..."
Sasuke: "We can't think of him as an ally... He just wants to take the leadership in order to activate the Infinite Tsukuyomi himself. It's the perfect chance for me to avenge the Uchiha clan!"
Naruto: "I don't know about dad and Sasuke, but... Madara, you should know that I'm going to get rid of both of you in less than 15 minutes!"

Naruto is shown in the last panel with a serious look at Madara.


Chapter 648/END
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09-24-2013, 04:59 PM
اه اهلا ^^
كيف اخباركم .. وحشتوني اوي 3>

التشابتر غداً وانا متحمسة جداً له ..
ولكن الشيء الوحيد الذي سأعيب كيشي عليه
هو حدوث معركة بين اوبيتو ومادرا >_<"
بربكم انتو بس تخيلوا كيف رح تكون المعركة xDDDD
الجيش وناروتو وساسكي والكل واقفين يتفرجوا كيف رحيقتل مادرا اوبيتو ~.~
وايضاً ستكون نهاية سخيفة لأقصى الدرجات ان يقتل الأثنين بعضهما
واوبيتو قوي ويكفي انه يملك قوة الجيوبي .. ومادرا شايف حاله كتير
والي بدي اعرفه شو هالقوة الي مخليته اقوى من اوبيتو جينشوريكن الجيوبي

بتصدقوا كل ما بفكر بهيك شيء بجيني مرض -_-
لأنو اذا صار هيك رح تكون النهاية اسخف من نهاية الديث نوت بمليون مرة ؛_؛

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بلييييييز ابي نهاية ساسكي+ساكورا ناروتو=هيناتا ๗ệאŜǿŝ๑ฤℓę أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 42 02-25-2013 03:29 PM
ناروتو + هيناتا = ناروتو لهيناتا و بس ساسكي + ساكورا = حب قاتل يلبى قلبي أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 7 10-19-2012 01:12 AM
هيناتا + ناروتو = ؟؟؟؟ ساكورا + ساسكى=؟؟؟؟ دمعة حزن عراقيه أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 53 08-05-2012 12:02 AM
قصص تعلقة بالثنائيات ساسكي & ساكورا و ناروتو & هيناتا فقط ........ мίšš кόтόкό● أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 22 02-05-2012 05:25 PM

الساعة الآن 03:36 AM.

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