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قديم 02-14-2015, 05:14 PM
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة rerooo.077 مشاهدة المشاركة
اخوأني ..

الفلم لم اتابعه .. أي2
دورت للفلم لكن ما لقيته ..
فا ممكن لو تعطوني رابط الفلم ..
وهل نزل الفلم مترجم ؟

تفضل اخي

الفلم كامل ومترجم يمكنك مشاهدته اونلاين

واذا اردت رابط تحميل اخبرني وسأعطيك اياه

http://www.naruto-arabic.net/t15333-topic#97032/فلم ناروتو شيبودن السابع الأخير - The Last: NARUTO The Movie مترجم حصريًا

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-14-2015, 06:07 PM
السلام عليكم
ترجمة لمقابلة مع كل من مؤديي اصوات تونيري ساكرا ساسكي كاكاشي والبقية
Jun Fukuyama (Toneri)
Toneri is in a situation where there are no other peoplearound him, and in a world that not even in sight for him, he’s spent years doing nothing but believing in and adhering to the teachings of his ancestors. Rather than saying Toneri is good or evil, if you think about the mentality that grew as a result of his circumstances and environment, there are a lot of sad parts and places where you can sympathize with him. So within those circumstances, I feel that Toneri’s appeal is a certain type of “naïve” quality. While playing him, I interpreted Toneri’s field of vision depending on the presence or absence of his “eyes,” and placed emphasis on those influenced parts in my own way. When Toneri obtains the “Tenseigan,” I’ll be happy if everyone’s heart will go out to the reason behind his feelings of uplifting, but expectation-wise…
Chie Nakamura (Sakura)
I read the script and appreciated the feeling of unrequited love a little bit (laughs). Maybe it was something like a parental feeling. It was like… I was happy, but also a little sad. What I like about Sakura is that even amidst her doubts and troubles, she’s an earnestly hard-working person. Perhaps she’s a bit similar to me in that she complains, but she’s strong at heart… Instead of “Naruto” being a simple story of good and evil, I feel like its appeal is in the way that justice to each side is depicted. The romance scene, which made me unintentionally blush, is a highlight!
Showtaro Morikubo (Shikamaru)
Up until having arrived at this point, Shikamaru, who finds everything troublesome, has received various motivations and has matured. It was really enjoyable to have gotten to play him as his sense of responsibility became strong after the incident with Asuma, and I felt fascinated to watch the process of his maturity over a long period of time. Even though this production is called “The Last,” I don’t think I’m the only one who still wants to be connected to the world of “Naruto.” I’ll be happy if everyone can share this world.
Satoshi Hino (Sai)
The script for this time continues the flow of the main series, letting us feel the reality of the world of Naruto and his friends after that, so I felt moved and happy, while at the same time there were also new experiences, which were just surprising. I want everyone to notice the depicted mentality of each character. Everyone has matured and become adults, so I think you can see a different side of their way of thinking and the voices of their hearts from what we’ve seen until now. Sai has a sharp-tongued side, but he’s actually an extremely genuine young man with a kind heart for his comrades. I feel like that might be Sai’s charm.
Kazuhiko Inoue (Kakashi)
The story this time is on a large scale, with everyone, particularly the young people, having matured remarkably, and I began to feel like a father who had always been watching them since they were small. I was also surprised that Kakashi has become Hokage. I always thought that Kakashi would absolutely refuse to be Hokage. In the scene where Naruto, who was dense about love, confesses to Hinata, I was happy, thinking “Oh, Naruto has become a man!” If Kakashi would show his face, we might also get to see a future partner for him (laughs).
Toshihiko Seki (Iruka)
Iruka doesn’t show up very much, but he casually puts into words an important theme of the story in the form of a class. Iruka is wonderful, always being an emotional support to Naruto.
Noriaki Sugiyama (Sasuke)
I feel that the appeal of Sasuke might be the stoicism and strictness he has with himself in order to achieve his goals, regardless of right or wrong. I suppose a highlight of this production is being able to see a little bit into the future of the main series.
Akira Ishida (Gaara)
I feel that Gaara’s appeal is that although he took a depraved roundabout way, he possesses the sincerity towards himself to return only to the right path. When you leave the movie theater, please wish from your heart for Sakura’s happiness.
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قديم 02-14-2015, 06:44 PM

...................؟ مهلا ... مذا حدث للتو؟؟؟

ساسكي ... مالذي تفعله بالضبط هناك ؟؟ هههههههههههه
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-14-2015, 07:04 PM
الفلم الاخير مترجم كاملا بالعربية
sakura-chan and mima-chan like this.
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-14-2015, 09:37 PM
حاليا اشاهد فلم ناروتو الاخير
فاكتشفت شيء ربما انا الوحيدة التي لم تكن تفهمه
لما كان ناورتو في جينجيتسو تلك البحيرة
كيف راى تلك الاحلام؟
حسب ما رايت الوشاح هو من قام بذلك
هيناتا وضعت روحها وقلبها في ذلك الوشاح
لهذا فالجينجيتسو هو الذي يكشف المشاعر والافكار
تحرك الوشاح من حقيبة هيناتا كان ككائن حي حتى انه ازداد طولا عما حاكته هيناتا
ثم التف حول ناورتو وناورتو قتها كان يرى معركته ضد كيبا ولكن عندما التف حوله الوشاح قام بنقل روح ناروتو الى عقل هيناتا فرايناه كيف دخل الى ماكانت تراه هيناتا مع بين كان ناورتو في المعركة ضد كيبا وفجاة رفع وطار الى مكان وزمان اخر ووجد نفسه داخل عقل هيناتا وهناك راى مشاعر وافكار هيناتا وراى ماكتبته ف يالماضي وكيف اعترفت وكيف حاولت ان تقدم له الوشاح
ذلك الوشاح كما قال عنه كيشي قبل صدور الفلم كان المفتاح للقصة
وبالفعل ذلك الوشاح هو من ربط بين ناورتو وهيناتا كالمصير واوصل مشالعر هيناتا الى ناورتو رايناه يتحرك من تلقاء نفسه كانه كائن حي
يعني ذلك الجينجيتسو لم يكن مجرد جينجيتسو عادي كما يعتقد البعض كان اشبه بالحقيقة بل تقنية غير عادية يعني ضربة على قفى اي ناروساكو يسخر من ذلك الجينجيتسو
هناك جينجيتسو يوقع الشخص في الوهم اما هذا فقد اوقعه في الحقيقة واخذه الى الماضي بل ونقل روحه الى شخص اخر
لهذا وصلت مشاعر هيناتا الى ناروتو
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المواضيع المتشابهه
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
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قصص تعلقة بالثنائيات ساسكي & ساكورا و ناروتو & هيناتا فقط ........ мίšš кόтόкό● أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 22 02-05-2012 05:25 PM

الساعة الآن 06:33 AM.

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