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قديم 07-28-2015, 11:02 PM


موضوعي الاول..

موضوعي الثاني
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قديم 07-29-2015, 01:28 AM
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الرسـامة مشاهدة المشاركة

من اين هذا الابداع ؟ من اين هذه الصور؟

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-29-2015, 02:26 AM
Boruto apparently calls Sasuke ‘Sasuke no occhan’ (a corruption of 'oji-chan’ - a casual and very informal way of saying 'uncle’). A lot of people have mentioned this by now.
There may possibly be a scene where Hinata hugs Himawari (during the birthday scene). Sorry, I can’t really confirm it from the drawing alone…
Temari possibly says something like 'It’s like I’m looking at a certain someone from the past’ while watching Shikadai… sorry, I’m not sure about this either - because the poster didn’t specify whether it’s an actual line from the movie or not.
Yet another mention of Sakura, Ino and Temari watching the exams together and getting along swimmingly… I’d say that this is pretty much confirmed at this point.
That shocked Sarada face you can see on the tenth page is apparently the face she makes when asking Mitsuki about Orochimaru’s… parenting role.
Another mention of Sasuke saving Sarada princess-style.
Apparently, in the scene where Sarada gets scared of the enemies, she looked a lot like Sakura (I’m assuming from the pose that the poster is thinking of FoD?).
If what is written by the poster is correct, then the reason why Boruto blushes in the scene from the trailer is that Sarada tells him 'As I thought, your eyes are bluer than the Seventh’s’ (well, that and the proximity). And if I’m reading the kanji correctly (they’re written pretty badly), the poster calls her a 'little devil’ for this.
On the twelfth page, the scene depicted on the right is the one where Sarada tells Sakura 'You’re very happy because papa is here, eh?’ (and Sakura blushes). The one on the left is apparently the final scene at sunset.

ss & nh
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-29-2015, 05:15 AM

يا حلويييييين تم اثبات انه السوبلير صحيحة..
التايلر الجديد اللي نزل اليوم ظهر فيه ساكورا تنقذ الجماهير من سقف الحلبة... كما ذكر في السوبلير..

وكمان اللقطة الثانية سارا وهي تكلم والدتها مطابقة للسوبلير وهي تحرج والدتها بكلامها عن والدها
يااااااي ❤ 😍


التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة A K I Z A ; 07-29-2015 الساعة 05:46 AM
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قديم 07-29-2015, 05:15 AM

ss & nh
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الساعة الآن 04:31 AM.

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