عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي

العودة   عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي > عيون الأنمي Anime > حوارات ونقاشات الانمي

حوارات ونقاشات الانمي قسم خاصة بنقاشات مسلسلات الانمي وحلقاتها واسرارها و تحليل جميع الشخصيات وابطال الانمي

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قديم 09-22-2015, 03:16 PM

خخخهههههههههههههههه 😂 😂 😂 💔 حتى و أنت ميت تغلط خخخهههههههههههههههه 😂
ρsүcнσ likes this.
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قديم 09-22-2015, 03:17 PM

لا ما المقصد لكن أعتبره قصف 😂😂💔
ρsүcнσ likes this.
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قديم 09-22-2015, 03:29 PM

I Love Them
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قديم 09-22-2015, 03:45 PM

One Hundred Ways to Say ‘I Love You’

“Pull over. Let me drive for awhile.”
“It reminded me of you.”
“No, no, it’s my treat.”
“Come here. Let me fix it.”
“I’ll walk you home.”
“Have a good day at work.”
“I dreamt about you last night.”
“Take my seat.”
“I saved a piece for you.”
“I’m sorry for your loss.”
“You can have half.”
“Take my jacket, it’s cold outside.”
“Sorry I’m late.”
“Can I have this dance?”
“I made your favourite.”
“It’s okay. I couldn’t sleep anyway.”
“Watch your step.”
“Here, drink this. You’ll feel better.”
“Can I hold your hand?”
“You can borrow mine.”
“You might like this.”
“It’s not heavy. I’m stronger than I look.”
“I’ll wait.”
“Just because.”
“Look both ways.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
“Try some.”
“Drive safely.”
“Well, what do you want to do?”
“One more chapter.”
“Don’t worry about me.”
“It looks good on you.”
“Close your eyes and hold out your hands.”
“That’s okay, I bought two.”
“After you.”
“We’ll figure it out.”
“Can I kiss you?”
“I like your laugh.”
“Don’t cry.”
“I made this for you.”
“Go back to sleep.”
“Is this okay?”
“I picked these for you.”
“I’ll drive you to the hospital.”
“What do you want to watch?”
“You can go first.”
“Did you get my letter?”
“I’ll do it for you.”
“Call me when you get home.”
“I think you’re beautiful.”
“Are you sure?”
“Have fun.”
“Sit down, I’ll get it.”
“I made reservations.”
“I don’t mind.”
“It brings out your eyes.”
“There is enough room for both of us.”
“You don’t have to say anything.”
“Happy birthday.”
“I’ll pick it up after work.”
“It can wait until tomorrow.”
“Cross my heart and hope to die.”
“It’s two sugars, right?”
“I’ll help you study.”
“Stay over.”
“I did the dishes.”
“You didn’t have to ask.”
“I bought you a ticket.”
“You’re warm.”
“No reason.”
“I’ll meet you halfway.”
“Take mine.”
“We can share.”
“I was just thinking about you.”
“I want you to have this.”
“Call me if you need anything.”
“Do you want to come too?”
“I’ll still be here when you’re ready.”
“Is your seatbelt on?”
“Sweet dreams.”
“I was in the neighbourhood.”
“Stay there. I’m coming to get you.”
“The key is under the mat.”
“It doesn’t bother me.”
“You’re important too.”
“I saved you a seat.”
“I’ll see you later.”
“I noticed.”
“You can tell me anything.”
“I hope you like it.”
“I want you to be happy.”
“I believe in you.”
“You can do it.”
“Good luck.”
“I brought you an umbrella.”
“I’ll pick you up at the airport.”
“Take a deep breath.”
“Be careful.”
“I love you.”

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09-22-2015, 03:53 PM
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ❤sary>.<love❤ مشاهدة المشاركة

one hundred ways to say ‘i love you’

“pull over. Let me drive for awhile.”
“it reminded me of you.”
“no, no, it’s my treat.”
“come here. Let me fix it.”
“i’ll walk you home.”
“have a good day at work.”
“i dreamt about you last night.”
“take my seat.”
“i saved a piece for you.”
“i’m sorry for your loss.”
“you can have half.”
“take my jacket, it’s cold outside.”
“sorry i’m late.”
“can i have this dance?”
“i made your favourite.”
“it’s okay. I couldn’t sleep anyway.”
“watch your step.”
“here, drink this. You’ll feel better.”
“can i hold your hand?”
“you can borrow mine.”
“you might like this.”
“it’s not heavy. I’m stronger than i look.”
“i’ll wait.”
“just because.”
“look both ways.”
“i’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
“try some.”
“drive safely.”
“well, what do you want to do?”
“one more chapter.”
“don’t worry about me.”
“it looks good on you.”
“close your eyes and hold out your hands.”
“that’s okay, i bought two.”
“after you.”
“we’ll figure it out.”
“can i kiss you?”
“i like your laugh.”
“don’t cry.”
“i made this for you.”
“go back to sleep.”
“is this okay?”
“i picked these for you.”
“i’ll drive you to the hospital.”
“what do you want to watch?”
“you can go first.”
“did you get my letter?”
“i’ll do it for you.”
“call me when you get home.”
“i think you’re beautiful.”
“are you sure?”
“have fun.”
“sit down, i’ll get it.”
“i made reservations.”
“i don’t mind.”
“it brings out your eyes.”
“there is enough room for both of us.”
“you don’t have to say anything.”
“happy birthday.”
“i’ll pick it up after work.”
“it can wait until tomorrow.”
“cross my heart and hope to die.”
“it’s two sugars, right?”
“i’ll help you study.”
“stay over.”
“i did the dishes.”
“you didn’t have to ask.”
“i bought you a ticket.”
“you’re warm.”
“no reason.”
“i’ll meet you halfway.”
“take mine.”
“we can share.”
“i was just thinking about you.”
“i want you to have this.”
“call me if you need anything.”
“do you want to come too?”
“i’ll still be here when you’re ready.”
“is your seatbelt on?”
“sweet dreams.”
“i was in the neighbourhood.”
“stay there. I’m coming to get you.”
“the key is under the mat.”
“it doesn’t bother me.”
“you’re important too.”
“i saved you a seat.”
“i’ll see you later.”
“i noticed.”
“you can tell me anything.”
“i hope you like it.”
“i want you to be happy.”
“i believe in you.”
“you can do it.”
“good luck.”
“i brought you an umbrella.”
“i’ll pick you up at the airport.”
“take a deep breath.”
“be careful.”
“i love you.”

الكلمه الحمره فهمتها اراك لاحقا كلمة ساسكي يوم قالها لساكو بس القائمه ذي ايش عباره عنه ؟
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الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
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بلييييييز ابي نهاية ساسكي+ساكورا ناروتو=هيناتا ๗ệאŜǿŝ๑ฤℓę أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 42 02-25-2013 03:29 PM
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هيناتا + ناروتو = ؟؟؟؟ ساكورا + ساسكى=؟؟؟؟ دمعة حزن عراقيه أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 53 08-05-2012 12:02 AM
قصص تعلقة بالثنائيات ساسكي & ساكورا و ناروتو & هيناتا فقط ........ мίšš кόтόкό● أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 22 02-05-2012 05:25 PM

الساعة الآن 03:05 PM.

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