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قديم 11-06-2015, 02:21 AM
ρsүcнσ, -yuki and Antoinette like this.
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قديم 11-06-2015, 02:22 AM
ρsүcнσ, -yuki and Antoinette like this.
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قديم 11-06-2015, 04:08 PM
بالما رابط موضوع الساسوساكو من فضلك
-yuki, ρsүcнσ and A K I Z A like this.

SasuSaku :The best couple ever in my own opinion , no matter how many couples will come already .. Their love will last for ever
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قديم 11-06-2015, 05:34 PM
I'm so sorry for not writing in arabic, but my computer doesn't support arabic language, I apologize if I'm annoying anyone for not typing in arabic because I don't mean any harm
that spoiler about sasuke doubting sakura is wrong these are the correct spoilers
Well not yet, there are no updates.

But I can say the true spoilers:
Sasuke thought it was Sakura solved the trouble of the ninja that attacked Konoha.
Sakura is determined to follow Sasuke no matter what when he comes back, even if he denies she'll follow him (Yes, literally).
The letter part is also a true, Sasuke receives a letter from Naruto and it says Sakura told him about Sasuke's childhood dream to be a cop (This is what makes Sasuke return Konoha) In other words, What Sakura said made Sasuke think when he was kid he had a dream but what about now? He thinks his dream is to protect ninja world from shadows like Itachi and finish with all the hatred in the ninja world as Itachi dreamed, that'll be his dream from that point and on. Influenced by Sakura, Sasuke found out his new dream

In the end of the novel Sasuke doesn't see himself coming back Konoha anymore but it changes after he fights the three villains in the novel. After fighting them he thinks he might come back someday but after he reads the letter he decides to come back and head to Konoha.

Sasuke didn't want to come back because he was afraid to go mad with hatred again and didn't want to see his beloved ones die, but he gets to self control.
He thinks too much in the people he loves: Itachi, Naruto and Sakura.
In the end he isn't afraid to interact with people anymore.
Shin is mentioned by Orochimaru as one of his experiments.
Yamato is assigned to watch over Orichimaru for ever.
Kaguya is mentioned many times.
Sasuke returns home, well the novel ends by saying he heads to Konoha.

Fake spoilers:
Sasuke afraid of returning because he is afraid to see Sakura with anyone else
He finds a black cat.
Karin convincing Sasuke to return Konoha.
Karin takes another picture to Sasuke to send it to Sakura. (They don't take a picute in the novel, Karin has a picture of old Taka Team with her, that's the same picture that appears in the Gaiden so the Gaiden picture was taken in the Taka team era, when they were teenagers).
Sasuke having a dream about Itachi on which he tells him to return to Konoha.
Karin not trying to seduce Sasuke.
Karin visiting Sakura and giving her the picture.

Those are the true and fake spoilers until now.
A K I Z A and -yuki like this.
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قديم 11-06-2015, 08:06 PM
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة aicu25 مشاهدة المشاركة
I'm so sorry for not writing in arabic, but my computer doesn't support arabic language, I apologize if I'm annoying anyone for not typing in arabic because I don't mean any harm
that spoiler about sasuke doubting sakura is wrong these are the correct spoilers
Well not yet, there are no updates.

But I can say the true spoilers:
Sasuke thought it was Sakura solved the trouble of the ninja that attacked Konoha.
Sakura is determined to follow Sasuke no matter what when he comes back, even if he denies she'll follow him (Yes, literally).
The letter part is also a true, Sasuke receives a letter from Naruto and it says Sakura told him about Sasuke's childhood dream to be a cop (This is what makes Sasuke return Konoha) In other words, What Sakura said made Sasuke think when he was kid he had a dream but what about now? He thinks his dream is to protect ninja world from shadows like Itachi and finish with all the hatred in the ninja world as Itachi dreamed, that'll be his dream from that point and on. Influenced by Sakura, Sasuke found out his new dream

In the end of the novel Sasuke doesn't see himself coming back Konoha anymore but it changes after he fights the three villains in the novel. After fighting them he thinks he might come back someday but after he reads the letter he decides to come back and head to Konoha.

Sasuke didn't want to come back because he was afraid to go mad with hatred again and didn't want to see his beloved ones die, but he gets to self control.
He thinks too much in the people he loves: Itachi, Naruto and Sakura.
In the end he isn't afraid to interact with people anymore.
Shin is mentioned by Orochimaru as one of his experiments.
Yamato is assigned to watch over Orichimaru for ever.
Kaguya is mentioned many times.
Sasuke returns home, well the novel ends by saying he heads to Konoha.

Fake spoilers:
Sasuke afraid of returning because he is afraid to see Sakura with anyone else
He finds a black cat.
Karin convincing Sasuke to return Konoha.
Karin takes another picture to Sasuke to send it to Sakura. (They don't take a picute in the novel, Karin has a picture of old Taka Team with her, that's the same picture that appears in the Gaiden so the Gaiden picture was taken in the Taka team era, when they were teenagers).
Sasuke having a dream about Itachi on which he tells him to return to Konoha.
Karin not trying to seduce Sasuke.
Karin visiting Sakura and giving her the picture.

Those are the true and fake spoilers until now.

شكراً حبيبتي ❤ بالعكس حياك الله بيننا
و لا أزعاج ولا شئ فقط خذي راحتك ألين تلقين حل لمشكلة الكيبورد حق جوالك.. و ترا تقدرين تحملين كيبورد عربي من أبل ستوري اذا كان جوالك ايفون أو سوق بلاي أذا كان جوالك جالكسي...

و كما توقعت تماماً شفتي حبيبتي يوكي قلت لك تلك السلوبيرات مزيفة!! لا يمكن أن يشك ساسكي في حب ساكورا و لو للحظة أو يجعله يغيب عنها...!!

كل مافي الأمر أنه يخاف رؤيتهم بعد اللي سواه فيهم و يخاف أن يتعلق بهم و يتأثر بخسارتهم
أووههه حبيبي ساسكي >.<3 ودي أضمه و أطمنه

المهم حبيبتي نورينا مرة أخرى ❤⚫❤
-yuki and Antoinette like this.
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الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
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بلييييييز ابي نهاية ساسكي+ساكورا ناروتو=هيناتا ๗ệאŜǿŝ๑ฤℓę أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 42 02-25-2013 03:29 PM
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هيناتا + ناروتو = ؟؟؟؟ ساكورا + ساسكى=؟؟؟؟ دمعة حزن عراقيه أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 53 08-05-2012 12:02 AM
قصص تعلقة بالثنائيات ساسكي & ساكورا و ناروتو & هيناتا فقط ........ мίšš кόтόкό● أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 22 02-05-2012 05:25 PM

الساعة الآن 11:41 AM.

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