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قديم 02-09-2012, 11:00 PM
Ocster Backup Pro 7.07 لأخذ نسخه احتياطيه من التعريفات والملفات

باسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Ocster Backup Pro 7.07 لأخذ نسخه احتياطيه من التعريفات والملفات

يقوم برنامجOcster Backup 2011 الجديد بأنشاء نسخ احتياطيه و عمل نسخ احتياطيه تستخدمها عند الضرورة الا لا قدر الله حدثت مشكله فى النظام تستطيع استعادة النسخه الاحتياطيه للويندوز او للتعريفات او لملفاتك الهامه و الخاصه

Like its predecessor, Ocster Backup Pro 6 continues the focus on being a fully automatic and easy to use backup solution, while at the same time improving in lots of areas. For example, Ocster Backup Pro 6 amazes with an up to 600% faster backup speed* compared to the previous version. In addition, new features like 1 to 1 File Copy, i.e. simple mirroring of files to other media without packing in archives, backup of Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox bookmarks, backup of the Windows contacts in Windows 7 and Vista and the ability for backing up emails and calendars from Microsoft Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird impressively extend the feature set in Ocster Backup Pro 6.

New in Version 6:
Quicker than ever - up to 600% faster backup speed*
"1 : 1 File Copy" - simple mirroring of files to other media
Backup of Internet Explorer bookmarks
Backup of Mozilla Firefox bookmarks, settings and add-ons
Backup of Mozilla Thunderbird emails, calenders, settings and add-ons
Backup of Windows contacts
"New Backup-Rules" More choice with extended filtering capabilities

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