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قديم 02-12-2012, 09:56 PM
DiskInternals Uneraser 5.0 لاستعادة الملفات

باسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
DiskInternals Uneraser 5.0 لاستعادة الملفات

برنامج بسيط جدا وفعال فى استرجاع الملفات المحذوفه
يمكنك عن طريق البرنامج استرجاع الصور والملفات النصيه والملفات المضغوطه والاوديو
DiskInternals Uneraser is the ultimate tool to recover all kinds of deleted files and documents. Featuring sophisticated data recovery technologies that, in Comprehensive mode, can thoroughly scan the entire disk surface looking for familiar types of files, DiskInternals Uneraser can find and recover files that no other tool can.

Easy as One-Two-Three
The most comprehensive recovery algorithm is of little use if no one can figure how to use it. DiskInternals Uneraser offers a convenient step-by-step wizard allowing even the least experienced computer users to safely recover lost data, undelete deleted files and documents and recover entire folders.

Free Pre-Recovery Preview
DiskInternals Uneraser can preview most types of files to help you decide whether they’re worth recovering. The pre-recovery preview will display Office documents and spreadsheets complete with their fonts, formatting and embedded objects, view deleted images as pictures, and allow you entering compressed ZIP and RAR archives as if they were folders. You can do all that before recovering anything even in the free version of the product.

Recover Data from Formatted Disks and Deleted Partitions
Thanks to the unique signature scan algorithm employed by DiskInternals Uneraser, the tool can reliably locate and successfully recover supported documents (*) stored on formatted disks and memory cards, as well as on disks that have been repartitioned or experienced an unrecoverable file system failure. DiskInternals Uneraser can even undelete files from severely damaged disks you won’t even be able to access from Windows!

Recover Data from Windows, Mac, and Linux Disks in Windows
Use your Windows PC to recover information from all types of disks! No matter if your disk is formatted with FAT or NTFS in Windows, uses a Mac file system such as HFS+, or was extracted from a Linux PC and features Ext2, 3, or 4 - DiskInternals Uneraser can scan those disks and recover files and folders right on your Windows PC.

The full list of supported file systems includes FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, HFS+(Mac), Ext2, 3, and 4 (Linux), NTFS and NTFS5.

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