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قديم 02-13-2012, 03:22 PM
DP Animation Maker لانشاء الصور والخلفيات المتحركة

باسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

DP Animation Maker لانشاء الصور والخلفيات المتحركة

برنامج رائع وسهل الإستخدام يساعدك على تصميم وإنشاء الصور والخلفيات المتحركة وإضافة التأثيرات على الصور

DP Animation Maker is powerful, easy-to-use animation software that lets you create animated backgrounds, animated gifs for websites, and other content within minutes. A unique toolset with a wide range of animations allows you to turn almost every picture into a professional-looking video.

Easy to Use
For creating a new animation you need only one picture. You can easily add atmospheric effects, animals, and other objects with a few mouse clicks.

GIF, AVI, and EXE Support
The program supports exporting animations into three popular formats with flexible parameter adjustment.
- Animated GIF
- Video format
- Playing animation in a windowed application

Wide Range of Tools
A rich toolset lets you create aquarium backgrounds, nature scenes, or abstract animations. It includes:
- Weather effects
- Light effects
- Fish
- Plants

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