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قديم 02-15-2012, 09:23 PM
رنامج لقرائة الكتب الاليكترونية Foxit Reader

باسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
برنامج لقرائة الكتب الاليكترونية Foxit Reader

برنامج Foxit Reader يقرا الكتب الالكترونيه بصيغة PDF لكن يمتاز بسرعته الخيالية
يعتبر افضل من برنامج Adobe Reader الشهير وهذا البرنامج سريع جداً في تصفح .

The Best PDF Reader – Over 100 Million Users.Whether you're a consumer, business, government agency, or educational organization, you need to read and annotate PDF documents and fill out PDF forms.

You need your PDF Reader to be:
Fast - so you're not waiting forever to read files.
Lightweight - so it's easily deployable and doesn't exhaust system resources.
Secure - so you don't get infected with viruses and can keep sensitive information safe.
A Platform - so you can extend the Reader by creating your own value added capabilities for internal use or for resale.

The Foxit Reader is a small, fast, and feature rich PDF viewer which allows you to open, view, and print any PDF file. Unlike other free PDF readers, Foxit Reader also includes easy to use collaboration features like the ability to add annotations, fill out forms, and add text to PDF documents. Foxit Reader has a small footprint that starts up instantly, renders PDF files quickly and uses very little memory, which is especially important with today's handheld devices. The Foxit Reader is packed full of convenient and easy to use viewing, editing and printing features that make document collaboration simple. Foxit Reader's secure platform insures worry free operation against malicious virus and provides a secure and reliable digital signature verification platform for exchanging electronics documents without putting the user at risk from falsified documents.

What's New in Foxit Reader 5.1
New Features:
1.For better reading experience with maximized PDF document display area, Foxit Reader supports showing PDFs in Reading Mode that hides the toolbar, navigation pane and status bar, with only the menu bar available.
2.In Tabbed Toolbar Mode, Foxit Reader supports collapsing/expanding the toolbar area to maximize the reading area.
3.To extend the document pane, the Auto-hide Status Bar feature hides the Status Bar during reading and shows the status bar floating at the bottom of the page only when the cursor is moved to the bottom.
4.Provides integration to the social networking sites to satisfy Facebook and Twitter users.
5.Supports Read out loud function.
6.Supports displaying PDF documents in Reading mode or Full Screen Mode automatically when opening PDFs with Foxit Reader.
7.Foxit Reader enhances the text rendering quality to display the text more clearly and neat.
8.Increased performance for reader startup, opening a PDF file, and closing a PDF file.
9.Automatically chooses paper type according to the page size of PDFs when printing.
10.Show the page thumbnails when dragging the scrollbar in a single page display mode.
11.Added the Foxit Reader classic skin.
12.Disabled spell check function in the Typewriter/Form Mode as the default option of the preference.
13.Improved the accuracy of spell check.
14.Moved the comment and attachment pane to be aligned with bookmark, thumbnail, layers and signatures panes.
15.Fixed many bugs and enhanced the performance.

System Requirements
Operating Systems
Microsoft Windows® XP Home, Professional, or Tablet PC Edition with Service Pack 2 or 3 (32-bit & 64-bit).
Windows Vista® Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise with or without Service Pack 1 (32-bit & 64-bit).
Windows 7 (32-bit & 64-bit).

Recommended Minimum Hardware for Better Performance
1.3 GHz or faster processor.
64 MB RAM (Recommended: 128 MB RAM or greater).
52 MB of available hard drive space.
800x600 screen resolution

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Foxit Reader لقراءه الكتب الالكترونيه و ملفات PDF gan2adam أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 1 04-04-2010 05:59 PM

الساعة الآن 05:37 PM.

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