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قديم 02-16-2012, 12:49 AM
حويل الفيديو بجميع الصيغ AVCWare HD Converter

باسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
تحويل الفيديو بجميع الصيغ AVCWare HD Converter

برنامج تحويل الفيديو برنامج محول فيديو قوي يحول جميع صيغ الفيديودعم أفلام الفيديو عالية التحديد مثل AVCHD وايضاً يحول صيغ الفيديو إلى ملفات صوت بصيغ مختلفه تمتع الان مع AVCWare HD Converter بافضل اداء في عمليه تحويل الفيديو والصوت حيث يستطيع ان يحول الفيديو إلى ملفات صوت MP3, WMA, WAV, RA, M4A, AAC, AC3 وصيغ اخرى يدعم تقريبا جميع صيغ الفيديو منها AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264/AVC, AVCHD, MKV, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, etc

AVCWare HD Converter does well in converting HD video formats such as AVCHD (mts, m2ts), H.264/AVC, MKV, MPEG-2 (ts), DivX, HD WMV, MPEG-4 and Quick Time with advanced High-Definition video conversion technology equipped. It not only converts from HD videos to Standard-Definition (SD), but upgrades an SD video to HD! Convert between HD video formats, convert HD to SD files, extract music from videos and convert between audio files easily and quickly with AVCWare HD Converter’s help. Almost all HD, general video and audio formats are supported well, including AVCHD (mts, m2ts), MKV, HD ASF, HD AVI, H.264/AVC, HD Quick Time, HD MPEG-4, HD WMV, AVI, MPEG, WMV, MP4, 3GP, FLV, RM, MOV, MP3, WMA, AAC, etc. Besides HD videos, this HD video converter can also extract and convert audio files, capture pictures from various videos, make videos out of pictures with JPG, GIF, BMP or PNG extensions to your preferences.

Key Features:

* Support most videos and audios
Support HD videos like AVCHD (mts, m2ts), MKV, HD ASF, HD AVI, H.264/AVC, HD Quick Time, HD MPEG-4, and HD WMV, and general videos and audios like AVI, MPEG, WMV, MP4, 3GP, FLV, RM, MOV, MP3, WMA and AAC.
* Picture collection
Easily convert batches of pictures like JPG, GIF, BMP and PNG to videos and play like a slide without more clicks.
* Video-to-picture conversion
Capture pictures from videos and save them as JPG, GIF, BMP, PNG files to get wonderful Hollywood movie scenes.
* Classified and adjustable parameters
All formats have been classified by device or codec for you to choose conveniently. And these formats can be adjusted to fit your demands.
* Support multi-core CPU
Automatically detect multi-core CPU and distribute tasks on multi-core to get high video conversion speed.
* Adjustable file size
Output video with any file size that you specify in Bitrate Calculator before conversion.
* Convert video clips and split large file
Trim video clip by setting its start time and duration and convert without any part that you don't need; split a large file into several ones by customizing file size or split time to fit your demand.
* Run in background
Run the HD converter in the background to save more time and space for other tasks.
* After done actions
After all tasks are done, automatically perform the action among several after done actions: exit, hibernate and standby that you set before converting.
* Multithreading and batch conversion
Multithreading and batch file conversion are supported to convert multiple files at one time to cut back on the conversion time.
* Preview and snapshot
Offer you a built-in player (which is resizable and can be used as a stand-alone player with 4:3 and 16:9 zoom modes) to preview videos and take a snapshot of your desired movie scenes and save them as picture files.
* Power Management
Allows you to manage your system power in this HD video converter.
* Several languages
Support multiple languages: German, Chinese, English, Japanese, French and Spanish.

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