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قديم 02-19-2012, 03:37 PM
العملاق Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2012

برنامج bitdefender antivirus plus 2012 برنامج حمايه قوى جدا وعالمى فى الترتيب الحائز على عدة جوائز فى مقاومه الفيروسات والديدان الخطيره من ضمن مميزات البرنامج الرائع bitdefender antivirus plus 2012 هوا تامين الشبكات والعمل على مراقبه جميع الاجهزه هذا بجوار عمله كمراقب قوى جدا على الانترنت واللايملات والفيس بوك والمواقع الاخرى التى تتيح تبادل الملفات . النسخه تعمل بكفائه عاليه ومجانيه

No pop-ups. No configuring. No interruptions. That is the kind silent security you will find in Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2012. It protects against viruses, spyware, and identity theft attempts with zero interaction required on your part. Plus, it safeguards your Twitter and Facebook presence from links to malicious pages and from threats to your privacy. Additional features include: Search Advisor, which gives you advance warning of risky websites, right in your Google and Bing search results; Chat Encryption, to keep your private chats private; automatic hourly security updates; home network management capabilities; FREE 24/7 technical support; and more!
--Key Features--
- Defends against viruses and spyware
- Halts ID theft attempts
- Filters the links you receive from your Facebook and Twitter friends
- Gives advance warning of risky websites
--Unparalleled Security--
Bitdefender capitalizes on live and virtualized behavior-based detection, in addition to cloud-based services, to stop emerging e-threats that other products miss.
Active Virus Control - Monitors processes' behavior while they are running to detect new & unknown viruses.
[*New!*] Rescue mode - Reboots your computer in a trusted environment, which is used for cleanup and restoration.
[*New!*] Virtualized Browser - Isolates the browser from the operating system in a Bitdefender-provided environment to block web-based threats.
Vulnerability Scanner - Checks for missing or outdated security software as well as potentially unsafe system settings.
--Absolute Silence--
Bitdefender's Autopilot makes all the security-related decisions for you!
[*New!*] Autopilot - Provides a hassle-free experience by making optimal security-related decisions without input from you
--Worry-free Socializing--
Protect yourself, and your friends, from e-threats that attempt to exploit the trust you've built with them.
[*New!*] Social Network Protection - Filters the links you receive from your Facebook and Twitter friends and monitors your privacy settings.
[*Improved!*] Search Advisor - Gives advance warning of risky websites right in your Google and Bing search results.
--Total Privacy--
Bitdefender protects your privacy and personal data with a range of specialized modules and functions.
Personal Data Filter - Prevents critical data, such as your social security number, from ever leaving your computer.
Antiphising - Blocks websites supporting various scams or credit card phishing attempts
Chat Encryption - Keeps your conversations private on Yahoo! and MSN Messenger
--Full Speed--
Bitdefender 2012 takes "scheduled scanning" to a whole new level, as the scanning only takes place when your system is idle.
[*New!*] Scan Dispatcher - Triggers system scans when resource usage falls below a certain threshold to avoid any impact on your system's performance.

Program size : 0.358 MB,More Programs
Operating System : Windows XP / Vista / 7
Publisher : Visit Web
License / Price : Trial - Buy Now - USD 23.97

External mirror,More Programs
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