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قديم 02-19-2012, 09:00 PM
لتحويل صيغ اليوتيوب الى اى صيغة اخرى كامل

باسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
لتحويل صيغ اليوتيوب الى اى صيغة اخرى كامل

Extra FLV SWF Video Converter 8.24
لتحويل الفديوهات وتقطيعها بصيغة FLV SWF الى AVI, MPEG, Apple iPod, Apple iPhone, Apple TV, Sony PSP, Mobile 3gp, Microsoft Zune, WMV, YouTube FLV, MOV, MP3, WMV, OGG and WAV.

Extra FLV SWF Video Converter 8.24 | 3.8 Mb

Extra FLV SWF Video Converter is a powerful, universal YouTube FLV, Flash SWF video- conversion and video-split program that converts video files between all popular video formats, such as FLV and SWF to AVI, MPEG, Apple iPod, Apple iPhone, Apple TV, Sony PSP, Mobile 3gp, Microsoft Zune, WMV, YouTube FLV, MOV, MP3, WMV, OGG and WAV.

Idea for everyone! With just a few mouse clicks, you can convert your files. And you don’t have to be an expert to do it!

What can Extra FLV SWF Video Converter do for you:

Convert video from YouTube, Google, MySpace, DailyMotion FLV video to AVI, MPEG, Apple iPod, Apple iPhone, Apple TV, Sony PSP, Mobile 3gp, Microsoft Zune, WMV, YouTube FLV, MOV, MP3, WMV, OGG and WAV.
Convert video from Flash SWF video to AVI, MPEG, Apple iPod, Apple iPhone, Apple TV, Sony PSP, Mobile 3gp, Microsoft Zune, WMV YouTube FLV, MOV, MP3, WMV, OGG, WAV.
Set the start position and end position of source file to convert.
As if that isn’t enough, Extra FLV SWF Video Converter also allows you to make batch file conversions, and will even let you choose to have your computer automatically shut down after lengthy batch conversions.

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