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قديم 03-13-2012, 10:22 AM
Thumbs up Hirens' Boot DVD 15.1 Restored Edition V 1.0 اصدار روعة وخطي

اسطوانة الصيانة العالمية بأجمد اصدراته
Hirens' Boot DVD 15.1 Restored Edition 1.0

اسطوانة طوارىء بها كل ما تحتاجه لو عندك سيبر وبتصلح اجهزة جهاز معمول له باص ورد عاوز تفك الباص جهاز الويندوز ناقصه ملف ntldr وفى ملفات على الديسك توب عاوزها
عاوز تعمل سكان على الجهاز من الدوس عاوز تقسم الهارد بسرعة البرق عاوز تعمل باك اب من الجهاز كله وكمان معها اسطوانتين اكس بى وسفن مينى والكثير ستجده فى هذه الاسطوانة

محتوى الاسطوانة

Restored DOS Menu utilities

These are found within the HBCD DOS menu. These utilities were included in the official but were left out since HBCD version 11. - Acronis Disk Director 10.0 (build 2.160) - Acronis True Image 8.1 (build 945) - Active Partition Recovery 3.0 - Active Password Changer 3.0.420 - Active Undelete 5.5 - Drive Image 5.6 - ERD Explorer - GetDataBack for FAT/NTFS 4.0 - HDD Regenerator 1.71 - NTFS DOS Pro - Norton Ghost 11.5.1 - Norton PartitionMagic Pro Server 8.05 - PC-Check 6.21 - Paragon Partition Manager 7.0.1274 - Paragon Mount Everything 3.0 - Synantec ImageCenter 5.6
----------------------------------------- Self booting utilities -----------------------------------------
- Acronis [4] -- True Image Home 2012 Plus Pack (build 6.131). -- Disk Director 11 Advanced (build 11.0.12077). -- Backup & Recovery 11 Server (built 11.0.17217). - Active Boot Disk 5.4.5 [6] With the option to boot either in a DOS or Win7 environment. Contains tools to image disks, data recovery, partition management, password resetting, data erasure, network access and other system utilities. - BootIt Bare Metal 1.03 [12] - Clonzilla 1.2.11-23 [13] - ESET Rescue Disk, updated 24-12-2011. - Eassos PartitionGuru 3.6.0 (a.k.a DiskGenius). [14] - GParted 0.11.0. - Hardware Detection Tool 0.5.0. - Kaspersky Rescue Disk, updated 27-12-2011 [5] - Mini Windows 7. - Paragon Hard Disk Manager 2011 10.0.15 [8] - QuickTech Pro 5.8. Hardware diagnostics and stress test. [9] - R-Drive 4.7 (4726) - Spinrite 6 - SysRescueCD 2.4.1 (December 2011). [2] A live Linux Gentoo based rescue CD (choice of 32 or 64 bit). It includes many tools for rescuing and managing Linux and windows systems. Hundreds of utilities. e.g. Clam antivirus, Gparted, ntfs-3g, wifi access, syslinux, telnet, ssh, PXE boot, Firefox, vim, MC...
------------------------------------------------------------------ Added to HBCDMenu program launcher ------------------------------------------------------------------
- AIDA64 Extreme Edition 1.85.1600 [15] - Acronis Disk Director 11 Home (build 11.0.2121). - Acronis True Image Home 2011 Plus Pack (build 6942). - Atlantis Word Processor Pro [10] - Avast Registry Editor - Calculator (Micro$oft calc.exe is very good why not have it in MiniXP?) - CardRecovery 5.30.1206 [16] - DSynchronize (Drive/directory synchronizer) 2.30.2 - DTaskManager (Powerfull process control) 1.51. - Data Recovery Wizard Pro 5.5.1 - GetDataBack NTFS & FAT 4.22 - HDClone 4 Professional - HWiNFO 3.65 - MiniTool Power Data Recovery 6.5 - Norton Ghost 11.5.1, Ghost Cast Server, Ghost Image Explorer - Outlook Express Backup 6.5 - Partition Wizard Professional 6.0 - Passware Kit Enterprise 10.3.2585 (Crack any password). [7] - PowerCmd 1.9 [11]. - UltraISO Premium [17] - WXHexEditor 0.11 (Hex editor. Can handle Terabyte files/disks). [18] - WinNTSetup 2.1 - Install Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/2003/2008 anywhere, fast, - integrate drivers, include customizations. - WinRar 4.01
Note: - For installation to USB read document 'usb-installation.pdf'. - Read 'trim-dvd.txt' to reduce size of DVD to CD or to fit in a 2 GB USB stick. - For keyboards other than English you can still apply Hiren's keyboard patch.

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