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قديم 03-30-2012, 12:30 AM
Thumbs up عملاق تركيب ودمج الصور FotoMix 8.8.1

عملاق تركيب ودمج الصور
FotoMix 8.8.1

The easiest way to mix and manipulate your photos. FotoMix is a versatile program that allows you to mix and manipulate different pictures, to create a wide variety of images. Remove, add or alter backgrounds. Add or remove your loved and not so loved ones from your pictures. Design eye-catching photo collages, illustrations, wallpapers, CD and DVD covers, and miscellaneous Web graphics. Create photo montages by combining multiple pictures into a unique heirloom depicting retrospectives of a birth, marriage, anniversary, etc. Anything is possible. The result is so high in quality that it is almost impossible to tell if the photo has been manipulated. Once your creations are finished, you can print them, email them to friends or transfer them to T-shirts, mugs, alendars, etc. Make the most out of your photo collection! Play with it. Explore the possibilities. You will love it. FotoMix is a versatile program that allows you to mix and manipulate different pictures, to create a wide variety of images.


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