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قديم 05-01-2012, 06:22 PM
برنامج لجعل صورك كالمشاهير وحذف الشوائب

برنامج لجعل صورك كالمشاهير وحذف جميع الشوائب باحتراف Anthropics Portrait Professional Studio 10

اسم البرنامج
Anthropics Portrait Professional Studio 10.9.3 | حجم البرنامج 50.88 MB

Portrait Professional is a sophisticated computer program that has been trained in male and female beauty. The software has been shown hundreds of examples of beautiful photographs of human faces, and using sophisticated statistical techniques, it has learnt how to subtly enhance photographs to make them more beautiful. What does this mean for you? It means that you can give your photographs an automatic "celebrity makeover" correcting the lighting and makeup, removing blemishes and generally making your subject look as good as possible. Portrait Professional is a painting program that will not require any artistic skill. All you have to do is identify some points on the photo — such as the corners of the eyes, and the edges of the lips — and the software then calculates how to make your subject look their absolute best. The software has been trained in all aspects of beauty. It allows you to choose how much to enhance the lighting, the skin texture and even how many wrinkles to remove. It even allows you subtly re-sculpt the face to make your subject look as good as possible.

Key features of "Portrait Professional":
• Face Sculpting
• Airbrush
• Skin toner
• Lighting regulation
• Shadow control
• Highlight control
• White balance
• Eye whitening
• Teeth whitening
• Spot removal
• Red-eye removal
• Free upgrades for 6 months
• Support for 8 bits per color channel images
• (JPEG and TIFF formats)
• Support for 16 bits per color channel images
• Reads RAW image files

الصيغ التى يدعمها البرنامج
We support the following types of raw files: Adobe (.dng), Canon (.crw .cr2), Fuji (.raf), Kodak (.tif .kdc .dcr), Minolta (.mrw), Nikon (.nef), Olympus (.orf), Pentax (.ptx .pef), Sony (.arw srf .sr2), Sigma (.x3f), Epson (.erf), Mamiya (.mef .mos), Panasonic (.raw), Phase One (.tif), Imacon (.fff).

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برنامج رائع لجعل صورك سحريه وكانك في معرض gharib86 أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 2 02-17-2010 10:01 PM

الساعة الآن 11:45 PM.

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