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قديم 05-05-2012, 12:50 AM
حصريا مع نسخة السيفن الالتميت بأخر التحديثات لشهر ابريل Windows 7 Ultimate SP1

Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 X32 & 64 Bit



This news is presented the original image of Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 . The treatment is present in the archive to each image.

System requirements:
- 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor with a clock speed of 1 gigahertz (GHz) or higher;
- 1 gigabyte (GB) (32-bit) or 2 GB (64-bit system), memory (RAM);
- 16 gigabytes (GB) (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit system) hard-disk space;
- DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM driver version 1.0 or higher.

What is the difference 32 of the 64-bit OS?:

For the average PC user is the following:
- If the PC is set to or less than 3GB of RAM, it will be enough regular, 32-bit OS;
- If installed in a PC 4GB or more RAM, you have to put the 64-bit OS.

Version of "Max" - ideal for use in the office. First, it supports applications created for older versions of Windows - such as a favorite by many XP, you can work with familiar programs and at the same time enjoy the benefits of the new Windows 7. Second, you can easily connect to the corporate network and configure remote access to corporate resources. Third, the "Maximum" version is a function of backup and restore, which allows you to make backups of important files. Fourth, the "maximum" supports 35 languages: working at a computer, you also can learn some foreign language. Finally, in this version of Windows 7 uses a powerful system for protecting your data - feature BitLocker encrypts data stored on your hard drive.

Checksums image of Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 English x86:
CRC32: 355111
MD5: 2572274E6B0ACF4ED1B502B175F2C2DB
SHA-1: 65FCE0F445D9BF7E78E437E441E08C63722657

Checksums image of Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 English x64:
CRC32: 992B8FCD
MD5: C9F7ECB768ACB82DAACF5030E14B271E
SHA-1: 36AE90DEFBAD9D9539E649B193AE573B77A71C83

On file:
Enabling | reg code: It is required that there
Language: English
File Format: Iso
Platform / OS: x86
Size of archive: 2.42 Gb

On file:
Enabling | reg code: It is required that there
Language: English
File Format: Iso
Platform / OS: x64
Size of archive: 3.13 Gb </span>

activation code
Windows.7.Ultimate x86

Windows.7.Ultimate x64

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