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قديم 05-24-2012, 04:13 AM
حصرى مشغل الملتيميديا الرائع بأحدث إصدار DVD X Player Professional 5.5.1 Multilingual

DVD X Player Professional 5.5.1 Multilingual

DVD X Player Professional برنامج رائع يقوم بتشغل افلام دي في دي على جهاز كمبيوتر ويتميز البرنامج بكثير من المزاية الرائعه التي سوف تكتشفها عند تجربتك البرنامج ويمكنك في البرنامج تقوم بشماهدة افلام على تلفزيون بدون أي معوقات او تشوهات في صورة وطبعا البرنامج كامل في كل شيئ وأهم شيئ انه سهل استعمال لي عرض افلام دي في دي قرص فيديو مدمج قرص مدمج اغاني ويمكن يزودك بعرض فيديو ممتاز عالي الجوده متفوق وتسجيل صوتي دولبي ديجتال وفي هاذا الأصدار يوجد الكثير من الوضائف المحسنة مثل اختيار الشكل للبرنامج ثيم وألتقاط صورة من مقطع فيديو ويدعم البرنامج DIVX, MPEG4, RM, QuickTime, WMV, WMV-HD, MacroMedia Flash

DVD X Player is the first region free/code free software DVD player in the world. Through this player you can play all region DVD on all DVD drives (except the Matshita DVD-RAM serials, Sony VAIO serials and Toshiba Satellite serials) even if you have changed the region code 5 times. You needn't hack DVD drive (flash firmware) which is very dangerous. Record DVD movies for your Apple iPod/iPhone and PSP: DVD X Player support record DVD as various popular movie file to expand your multimedia entertainment on most popular portable devices (Apple iPod Video, iPhone, Sony PSP, Zune, Zen, Smart Phone, PMP etc). CloneDVD can also convert DVD movie as popular video format(Divx/XviD, MP4, AVI, ASF).

DVD X Player Features Region-free / Code-free Allows you to view ALL movies and to watch all region DVDs on region-locked DVD drives. RPC1/ RPC2 Region Free, RCE Disc Region Free and Operation Free High Definition Video / HDV DVD X Player supports video format for next-generation---High-Definition Video (HD-Video) Support resolutions noted of 1280 x 720 (720p) or 1920 x 1080 (1080p), high resolution ratio reaches MPEG-2 Video. Support WMV-HD(Windows Media Video High Definition) Superior Video Quality DVD X Player enables you experience flawless superior crystal clear video quality with the original video decoding technology. Support display a vast array of view screen: wide screen, 16:9, 4:3, Letter-Boxed, Pan&Scan. Smart Stretch A new smart compensation technology, lets you enjoy any movie with 16:9 aspect ratio on any screen mode, without distortion. Record DVD movies for your Apple iPod/iPhone and PSP DVD X Player support record DVD as various popular movie file to expand your multimedia entertainment on most popular portable devices (Apple iPod Video, iPhone, Sony PSP, Zune, Zen, Smart Phone, PMP etc). CloneDVD can also convert DVD movie as popular video format(Divx/XviD, MP4, AVI, ASF). New! Video Desktop DVD video full screen display at desktop, enables you to work and watch DVD simultaneously; Photo Slideshows Drag your favored digital pictures on DVD X Player, choose the background music, DVD X Player presents a wonderful slideshow right here in front of you! DVD X Player provides transition effects over 50+. Playback DV / WebCam DVD X Player supports playback DV/WEBCAM video, adjust picture color and capture image as well. Digital Zoom-In DVD X Player's maximize 10-time Digital Zoom-In function lets you see exactly what you want to see. Without any lose of detail. DTS Digital Surround Sound DVD X Player supports DTS 5.1 Digital Surround Audio/ DVD X Player delivers the high quality digital surround sound and lively multi-channel audio experience. The DTS brand is now synonymous worldwide with the delivery of high quality digital surround sound. Special Audio Effect & Equalizer Preset Value Add Echo and Amplify special audio effects; add 10 bands preset Equalizer value, including Classical, Club, Dance, Full Bass, Full Bass_Treble, Full Treble, Laptop, Large hall, Live, Loudness, Party, Pop, Reggae, Rock, Ska, Soft, Soft Rock, Techno, Custom, etc; Dolby, Dolby Pro-Logic I/II DVD X Player supports Dolby Digital 5.1 - AC3, Dolby Pro-Logic I/II 24/96 LPCM Direct Output DVD X Player can offer superior 24/96 LPCM audio direct output for the latest sound card on the market. 5.1/6.1/7.1 Surround Audio DVD X Player supports up to 7.1 channels let you explore a lively impressive multi-channel audio world. Playing DivX / XviD / MPEG-4 / QuickTIme / Real/ MacroMedia Flash DVD X Player supports playback the popular DivX / XviD / MPEG-4 video formats and subtitles as well. DVD X Player also supports playback the popular Internet format: QuickTime, Real and MacroMedia Flash. Visualization Enables DVD X Player to display multi-colored shapes and patterns that change in harmony with the audio track being played

What's new in DVD X Player v5.0
* PIP (Picture in Picture) Playback Mode: Watch two different movies simultaneously to expand your enjoyment
* Convert the record file into new file with smaller size and other popular format
* Support MPEG-2 TV recorded files (DVB and ATSC)

Size: 20 MB

تاريخ اصدار البرنامج

الباتش: مرفق مع البرنامج

=>بعد تسطيب البرنامج انسخ الباتش الى المسار
C:\Program Files\Aviosoft\DVD X Player 5.5 Professional
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