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نور الإسلام - ,, على مذاهب أهل السنة والجماعة خاص بجميع المواضيع الاسلامية

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قديم 05-27-2012, 05:44 AM

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Islam is the religion ....... which was brought by all the prophets starting from Adam, through Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and all the prophets, until the prophet Mohammed peace be upon him.
These are some of the evidence of the Koran.
God said: "When Jesus felt their disbelief, Ansari said of the disciples said to God, we are God's supporters believe in Allah and I bear witness witness that Muslims," ​​Al-Omran, the AT 52
"McCann Abraham a Jew or a Christian, but it was upright, it was a Muslim and infidels," the 64 A. Imran

The witches who believe "God pour upon us patience and Tova Muslims"
"And recite to them the story of Noah as he said to his people: O my people that the size you mausoleums and reminding me of the verses of Allah For Allah I put my trust Vojmawa Omrakm and your partner then do not not commanded you distress then Spend to nor do you see (71), the you assumed what I asked of the reward is only on God and ordered
to be Muslims, "Al-Younes A. 71 to 72.
So when he says the right interpretation of the meaning that "the religion with Allah is Islam" does not mean that the religion of our Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him only, but Islam means in its destruction, which reached all the prophets of Islam .......... Kmany As a principle, and against the stubbornness and arrogance
and infidelity and the war on the right, whatever.
Actually, Islam is a great word too big to talk about an ideal, but at the same time simple to understand any human being is simple.
Islam is simply everything Fadel and against all Rzalh, an instinct that (touching) by God, it is possible to understand that any human being is not a scholar of jurisprudence what is right and what is wrong and which is indicated by the words of master of creation (I'm between the land between), and he also (Consult your heart
Islam is not a complex set of books of jurisprudence, not endless list of halal and haram, but simply all things beautiful and good and everything reconstructing the life of love and at the same time is everything to defend the truth and fight falsehood, the Messenger peace be upon him when he said of the Party of curiosity if you invited him
I answered in Islam, it means that he stands with the right and virtue whatever, even if it Almtfqon infidels or heathens.
When a group of companions decreed a man whom he has cleaned up his head and in the impurity of the injured died the man said to them, you kill your companion, because they understood Islam as a religious ritual and overlooked the fact that this ritual but started for the benefit of the Muslim conflicted with it was opposed to Islam itself.
Some people asked about the meaning of Islam told you that the testimony, prayer, fasting, almsgiving and pilgrimage, halal haram, and so on .......... this is the meaning of Islam is not completely understood, because this ritual is something that is distinctive of Islam are in all religions in Islam, though incomplete at best .......... These forms or rituals of worship but Allah prescribed to be a Charger for the human energy in order to popularize the land and lives, not Islam is Islam itself, though it is the pillars of Islam, which means it supports the Staff This edifice to be held without them crumbling edifice because the man when he does virtue to God be the pure face Fasmo them and transcends life, either he do it to humans will do Alersalh with do not see human beings, and this is against the principles of Islam, Islam transcends the human being to transcend and reconstructing the land in which they live all

The first word utter rights to be granted a certificate is intended primarily to consolidation ...... consolidation of the god idol ........... why? ............. Because God is one God, the Creator of all things, a unit capable of everything, and worthy of worship ........... When we worship Nfredh deny that slavery and all things succumb to God and then go down to the right, Vtstakim life in the system of one of love and peace prevail, because it in this case will not fear the ruling, but God can recite, not afraid to convict, but he says the truth and God grant victory to the oppressed, and every human being on earth would fear only God can recite ends up not being unfair to the injustice of human and occurs desired goal of Islam .........
So .... is not a word spoken or without the application of work, if she was to have had a meaning, since God made it modify everything in the balance as stated in the Hadith Qudsi.

But the testimony that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, is the recognition of the Prophet of this nation, which seal the consignments so that there is the testimony of the applied and applied to everything and then come the Muslims hostile to his mother, which leads to bloodshed, as we see in our time the name of religion as the Jews and the Christians.
So begins the testimony of Islam, he is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and stems of each sense.
After that comes the Quran and Sunnah to clarify its meaning and help from his heart mist of ignorance that clears, and come the words of the Prophet peace be upon him, "but sent to complete noble" morality at the top of the words that show us what is Islam, explaining that understanding explicit and clear of Islam does not require that
be recognized as a scientist, which as we have said that Islam is all virtue and against all Rzalh.
So this huge number of Muslims and Islam, who have inherited from their parents whether they are Muslims, right?
In fact, every Muslim should be a clear picture of Islam to non-Muslims understand the meaning of Islam, once you see it and deal with it.
He must combine both self-esteem and sense of self-confidence and Balzho for belonging to this religion and good to deal with the Muslim and non-Muslims out of compassion, strength and dignity.
Have to understand that any human being when he sees Muslims that Muslims adhere to their faith, which orders the highest ethics in addition to religious rituals, which is untouched Maraja Mullah top and transcends their lives and are not the same Islam.
If Islam is so simple why all these terms and Halal and Haram and the veil ............?
For example, give the rule of hijab in Islam, why the imposition of Islam, this restriction on women? ........ We say that Islam is a guard for each virtue and mind of each and if we apply the Rzalh this rule on this provision we see that Islam wants women to be free from all
What Aosamha Balersaúl and protected from all the punk and protects society from every relationship is together and enveloping membrane women are protected and protect society, and offered them a commodity or a promoter of the goods as they want the advocates of freedom.
Thus, each rule in Islam is a means of protection ethics and protection of soul and spirit and the body of all the damage caused to them.
It is here simply to understand Islam, whatever its terms and no matter how the books abounded.
D / Shirin Alfi

سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 05-28-2012, 12:31 AM
جزاكم الله خيرا
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