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قديم 05-27-2012, 03:30 PM
حصريا الاستايل الرائع Xtreme theme XP

Xtreme theme XP

WinStep Xtreme , A free black stylish XP Aero themes can change your windows XP themes like Windows Vista Aero themes. WinStep Xtreme can simply life up your windows XP in such as way more stylish than Windows vista Aero themes.

Windows XP Aero Themes

WinStep Xtreme is a completely windows xp user interfaces customize program more like the popular WinCustomize. This program can category as a strong, multi-paged desktop replacement, software launcher and document organizer that can be used as an alternative or supplement to the normal Windows desktop. This program is capable of completely replacing with menu “launching” and panel of tasks Windows like Windows Vista Aero themes. Represents the very flexibly tuned dynamic floating up menu with all programs, entering in the structure of the catalog “programs”. The special features of program include also the possibility of changing the exterior view of menu and wall-papers with the aid of the themes.

Beside that, You can see talking clock that can synchronize your system time with the atomic time servers on the Internet, an Email Checker, Weather monitor, CPU, RAM and Net Meters. Seem like more advanced than Windows Vista Aero themes.

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