05-29-2012, 11:19 AM
برنامج لحساب المسافات عبر الكاميرا Calc free v1.02(0) S^3 Naveen CS DoF calc free v1.02(0) S^3 anna belle Signed DoF calc determines the depth of field for photographers. - Calculates hyperfocal distance, near focus limit, far focus limit and depth of field. - Camera Model can be chosen from the Settings page. - Focal length ranges from 3 mm to 1200 mm. - You can choose f-stop in the range of f/1 to f/64. - Units of measurement include meters, centimeters, inches and feet. - Includes dark and white themes. - If your camera is not listed, send me a mail; it will be included in the next version. للتحميل |