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قديم 06-17-2012, 05:24 AM
حصريا أحد أروع نسخ اللينكس knoppix 7.0.2 في أحدث اصدار لها


نوبكس أول توزيعة لينكس تعمل من القرص المدمج مباشرة او قرص فلاش ، وقد بنيت عليها المئات من التوزيعات المشابهة. بنيت نوبكس على توزيعة دبيان وتستخدم نظام إدارة الحزم الخاص بها. تمتاز نوبكس بخاصية التعرف التلقائي على مكونات الحاسوب.

مميزات النسخه

1- خاصية التشغيل التلقائي بدون تثبيت Live Cd ويمكن تثبيته على الهارددسك أيضا .

2- أكثر من 2 جيجا بايت من البرامج والتطبيقات .
3- واجهات متنوعة وجميلة Kde , Gnome , Windows ,...etc
4- قوة الأداء وسرعة التشغيل .
5- يدعم معظم كروت الشاشة والصوت وال SCSI and USB وباقي الكروت .
6- في حال خراب النظام وهذا صعب جدا يمكن استرجاعه خلال أقل من دقيقتين .
7- مفيد جدا في حال استخدامه بهدف تعلم أنظمة لينكس .
8- نظام قوي وفعال للحماية يستحيل اختراقة .
والمزيد من الميزات الجديدة والرائعة
9- ذاتيه .. يعنى بدون تنصيب ولا اى حاجه (شغلها علطول)

KNOPPIX is a bootable Live system compilation of GNU/Linux software, run completely from CD, DVD or flash disk. It automatically detects and supports a wide range of graphics adapters, sound cards, USB devices and other peripheral devices. .

“Microknoppix” is a complete rewrite of the KNOPPIX boot system with the following features

1. High compatibility with its Debian base: Aside from configuration files, nothing gets changed in Debians standard installation.
2. Accellerated boot procedure: Independently from the usual SysV bootscripts, multiple tasks of system initialization are run in parallel, so that interactive desktops are reached very fast.
3. LXDE is used as graphical environment, which is a very slim and fast desktop with extremely short starttime and low resource requirements. Because of its GTK2 base, LXDE works together nicely with screenreader Orca.
4. Amount of installed software has been greatly reduced in the CD-version, so that custom remasters based on CD are possible again. On the DVD edition, KDE4 and Gnome with many applications originating from these popular desktops are available.
5. Network configuration is being handled by NetworkManager with nm-applet in graphics mode, and textual GUIs in textmode (compatible to Debians /etc/network/interfaces specification).
6. A persistent image for saving personal settings and additionally installed programs, KNOPPIX/knoppix-data.img, is supported on the boot device, optionally encrypted with AES/256bit. In general, installation as live system on flash disk is recommended.

The CD version contains at least

* LXDE as the standard desktop,
* Open Office,
* the Firefox WWW browser,
* GNU Image Manipulation Program GIMP,
* MPlayer Multimedia System,
* Internet-access software for (W)LAN, modem, isdn, umts/gprs,
* Tools for data rescue, network analysis and system repair.

The DVD version contains additional software packages for office productivity as well as software development and engineering (various programming languages and development environments), education and gaming. Most Knoppix Mirrors also have a list of included software called packages.txt or packages-dvd.txt.

Size : 4 GB
Open Source .. Free
النسخة مجانيــــة

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قديم 06-17-2012, 09:09 AM
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